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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2013 in all areas

  1. Not wrong, just possessed of an opinion, a belief system, that self-justifies his own rationalizations. No different than an entrenched political or religious belief system, and no point in discussing it with him further, based on the obviously subjective position that witness reports are universally fallible. What bugs us is the casual arrogance toward witnesses that is integral to the opinion. As we stir this pot once again, we have to consider that the attention bestowed fuels the process, and thus perpetuates it. In my opinion, and this is just my opinion, no more valid than his own, it's better to simply say, "yeah, yeah, there you go again, we heard your opinion the hundredth time, so let's return to the substantive discussion", rather than make this thread, or any other, once again about his opinion rather than about the original post. His consensus is not required to advance discussion.
    2 points
  2. If the DNA pool is too limited, loss of even one may be one too many. If we've got DNA proving their existence to science, what's left, the public's curiosity, can be satisfied with photos and video. MIB
    1 point
  3. What it shows, IMHO, is that many people think they know what the conditions are in other parts of the country, and don't. It shows that other people think they know what a large mammal needs to stay hidden .. and don't. Leave your assumptions at the door ... MIB
    1 point
  4. I thought it was a brilliant show, top notch. Utterly amazing results too.
    1 point
  5. But that's the very problem people like Meldrum (and other authoritative figures) have with understanding the issue(s). They create broad brush concepts of "wilderness" to define where they can only be, and everyone else fills in the blanks. It isn't about how many roads do or don't line the way to or thru where they live. It's about overall lack of human population present in areas where BF *can* live if they choose to. *If it's not "wilderness" the BF can't be there*.... again, shows a lack of simple understanding how complex the real issues are.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, I think I heard about the National Academy of Science funding ongoing Bigfoot research on any level. Comparatively speaking, science is ignoring Bigfoot accounts and reports as compared to the zero observations of SETI. Science has yet to reach the same level with Bigfoot research as it has with SETI, so it can't give up something it's never attained, like the efforts and expenditures afforded to SETI.
    1 point
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