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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2013 in all areas

  1. ^^ I realize that sy. I was simply trying to illustrate the point that it doesn't matter what happens, things will never change. A body will never be produced and since that is the only thing that could end this debate, then it will never end. There is no point that Footers will concede that Bigfoot does not exist. That is the perpetual motion machine that fuels the good ship Bigfoot.
    1 point
  2. Agreed. But I am interested in his answer to the first part of the question. I am also confused by the motivation behind his, and others, persistent anti-BF arguments. Is it a hobby, or just the love of a good intellectual argument? Or something else entirely? And I understand the question about what he does for a living. Certainly there are big (corporate) pockets out there who would very much prefer that the BF phenomenon stay in the shadows. Not saying that's the case, but I do suspect there are those on here being paid to keep the ball of doubt bouncing happily in the air.
    1 point
  3. I still find it interesting that unknown sources is qualifying proof for some people. It really shouldn't surprise me though.
    1 point
  4. Logically, the same arguments used for why not Yeti remains have been found would apply to not finding the remains of a bear mistaken for a yeti. What makes more sense to me is that the two samples were in fact mis-identifications at best, hoaxes at worst when they were collected. I can sorta buy a primate being shy enough to hide from man. I've never heard that statement about bears as a species....especially carnivores like polar bears and semi-carniovores like browns. Those two species of bear are not lacking self-confidence toward people most of the time. If there was a polar-bear roaming the himmylas...it would be more obvious than not. Tim Tim
    1 point
  5. Short answer. Whatever Cryptid is closest to this place:
    1 point
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