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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2013 in all areas

  1. ^^ No he is not. Did you watch the show even? His opening comments are how he is "irritated" by crypto fans because they say science will not examine their evidence. So he sets out to examine their evidence. How in the world is that not commenting on the phenomenon. You make it sound like he is some sort of random , drive-thru DNA lab with no connection to the back story involved. That is not the case at all. " As I have pointed out elsewhere: In strict logical terms, the skeptical (and media) take on Sykes is the exact equivalent of me going out to the Great Plains, asking for bison hair, getting pronghorn hair from a few hundred people…and declaring the bison mythical." DWA Except you would look pretty foolish declaring that while a bison grazes behind you. Or you know, you could have just went to a zoo and plucked the hair yourself and removed all provenance issues. Your comparison fails miserably.
    2 points
  2. Agreed. But I am interested in his answer to the first part of the question. I am also confused by the motivation behind his, and others, persistent anti-BF arguments. Is it a hobby, or just the love of a good intellectual argument? Or something else entirely? And I understand the question about what he does for a living. Certainly there are big (corporate) pockets out there who would very much prefer that the BF phenomenon stay in the shadows. Not saying that's the case, but I do suspect there are those on here being paid to keep the ball of doubt bouncing happily in the air.
    1 point
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