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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2013 in all areas

  1. It reinforces my opinion that current research practices, unfortunately, just don't cut it and a complete overhaul with what is done in the field needs to be considered. And I have every respect for anyone who attempts to get dirty in the field looking for evidence of this animals existence, but current methods just aren't good enough. And I will bite on this one. Remember, what I saw was not a bear, not a Gorilla, not any known animal or not a man and all I'm left with is thousands of sightings describing the same thing that I saw. That's all I'm left with and the only conclusion I can personally make, what I saw is the same as what is written about in thousands of sighting reports in North America. Just because a Professor tested x amount of samples with no positive results in any doesn't change my personal opinion that this animal exists one little iota. If I had other options regarding what I saw that day I'd be all ears, but I don't have any.
    3 points
  2. You have to bear in mind that the boots had be worn for a year plus after what happened, they were then handed to Bart C after that kind of time and were obviously not worn any more until testing. Does that time frame rid the boots of enough stuff that can be extracted a year plus on when tested ? I don't know. But i do not for one second believe Justin Smeja is or has hoaxed anyone and i think you're out of order for suggesting he has just because Professor X didn't find any blood on boots without adding the context of how he obtained the boots and secondly, when we all know as Smeja has said himself, that the piece of " Steak " wasn't necessarily from what he shot. He has said numerous times that the sample was in no way certain to have come from what he shot. The only reason anyone would look like a " **** " is if they shout their mouth off about something they have no idea exists or not. I didn't, and i've seen one of these things and have no doubt at all, testing boots, hairs and tissue or not, that these things exist.
    2 points
  3. BF has been seen in Canada in March at high elevation. They don't hibernate. The idea that there is no water on the Great Plains is laughable. There is a *lot* of water. BF has been tracked. One trackway in northern Minnesota was over 3 miles long. The assumption is that BF exists. That's the big assumption. If it does, and it is as adaptable as it appears (some of us have seen them) then living in Nebraska and staying out of sight is no worries. The Thunderbird is also known as the Wakiyan Oyate (Thunder Being Nation) in Lakota. As I understand it they are not seen just flying around as they are supposed to be a spiritual being. There were supposed to be reports of such a bird when settlers first arrived in the New World. I read about it decades ago. They were called Roc, after the mythical creature. Apparently a very large Raven in appearance, with a range/territory of 600 square miles. It was thought that there were about 200 of them nation-wide when Columbus landed. I wish I could remember where I read all that. It wasn't in a book of fairy tales.
    1 point
  4. The circumstances were truly screwed, that's for sure. Am I right in saying that they thought they had gold where the steak was concerned but when initial testing showed that the steak could well be black bear, they then and only then started looking at other pieces of possible evidence, and that's where the boots came into play ? Up until then, the switch just didn't flick where they were concerned, hence him still wearing the boots and putting them through their paces including saltwater. We aren't talking about someone who thinks like a Scientist. He screwed up big time from the minute he pulled that trigger as he didn't know what he was shooting at, all through the evidence gatheringprocesses, but I think he'd be the first one to hold his hands up and say that he knows he screwed up. I've heard him saying it numerous times before.
    1 point
  5. I have no sympathy for the guy. See "poacher" comment above. Not only did his actions give bigfooters a bad name, so did he mar the reputation of honest hunters. WTF is right. But just directed at the wrong person.
    1 point
  6. Wish I could vote up BobbyO's post but I've already upvoted someone else today. I agree with him 110% - my user name makes my conclusion obvious, but please check the link in my signature to see how I think we need to organize it.
    1 point
  7. It seems the DNA says there's an ancient bear running around in current times. Everything else is supposition. Connection of the hair to yeti: supposition. Connection of that bear to yeti: supposition. Connection of yeti to bigfoot: supposition. MIB
    1 point
  8. No. Mostly because it's the least likely explanation.
    1 point
  9. I suspect our understanding of BF is at the same stage as the blind men examining the elephant. We don't know what we don't know.
    1 point
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