Llawgoch Yes it may be a bit optimistic on my part concerning Sykes, but I cannot help but picture him sitting with Kwit's scull and pondering the possibility, to suggest it is to open the door. So sorry I think that was more than throwing us a bone, pardon the pun. It is obvious that many of us are entrenched in our views on this matter, and will not be convinced of the existence, or non existence, without further study. The sampling of hairs gathered by relative novices in the field, no offence to our researchers, is not a basis for a rigorous
scientific study, that would require trained field biologists, and some exhaustive efforts. If unusual hair could
be identified before going to a lab, beyond the superficial aspects, this would possibly amount to something
over time. There would be Millions of hairs of everything else out there to weed out, so this is not some
task to be left to novice researchers, no matter how committed or "expert" they claim to be, and even then
it's one in a million to simply find one, and those are optimistic odds at best. Plucking one off the creature
is perhaps the only sure bet, any volunteers? Setting some types of hair traps is the only thing we can do
and cough up fifteen bills, not Washingtons, and pray. That is not good science, just sets us up to look like
the fools we most likely are.