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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2013 in all areas

  1. If the cast had such strong objections to the format, they could always decide not to renew their contract. I guess money is more important than any other issues they might have...
    1 point
  2. ^^^They had Justin to give his take on the episode he was in. Justin was not happy with it at all. He felt that they screwed the story up - bigtime. Not a happy camper. But he still holds out hope that Sykes might come up with something at some point. He just didn't like the spin that the show put on his story. Rictor expressed his dislike of Mark, the host. However they all agreed that the show and Mark are separate from Brian and the study. (One thing to remember is that the show only revealed 12 of the samples out of over 30... ) Disotell came on to "clear up" a misunderstanding between himself and Ketchum . But when asked about his opinion of Sykes results so far, I was pleased that he was quick to point out that the Yeti results do not show that Yeti is a bear. It only shows that the 2 samples that Sykes tested were bear and that doesn't necessarily represent the "Yeti". He showed off his Bigfoot tattoo and said he will wear his bIgfoot t-shirt tomorrow. Yep, I thought that was too funny. Disotell tested Kwuit's skull in 2008 and came up with modern human...but said he didn't continue looking once they got that much because they were simply looking for evidence whether or not Zana was Neanderthal.... which she isn't. He is going to meet with Sykes in the Spring and plans to dig out his data and compare notes. That's the highlights... (I just watched it). And in case anyone hasn't seen Episode 3 yet:
    1 point
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