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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2013 in all areas

  1. LCB, I'm trying to keep up with this.. First you offer the NAWAC the firearms knowledge they have been sorely missing to accomplish their goals and to crawl out of their ineptness, but then as they are no doubt rushing out to equip themselves as you have prescribed, you ask them to put the genie back in the bottle and to reconsider this course of action entirely. I hope they kept their receipts from the last couple of days. And then to top it off, you inform us that some associated with NAWAC call the "individual" a monkey for their conscious sake, rather than for the possibility that they are actually convinced that the subject is more closely related to other apes than to humans. I'm sure this is something you know to be true, otherwise it would constitute an unfounded accusation. This information is astounding. Is it possible that you are one of those meta-physical 10-dimensional forces that you have stated are manipulating us? I have also noticed recently that some forum members who are more often associated with other "pet" threads on this forum, where open-mindedness is promoted when discussing those subjects, and where it is periodically lamented how overly-aggressive challenges to the subject of those threads discourages others from offering information, have no problem coming to the NAWAC thread and basically doing the same thing here - essentially using the information presented as ammunition against those who offer it, or at the very least taking this thread off topic and into more of a morality discussion. I enjoy healthy debate and discussion, but what I just described strikes me as hypocritical. Sometimes I think that on any given day, the existence of bigfoot is more likely to be proven than the existence of an actual bigfoot community. I do thank Brian and others who have made the actual NAWAC field study discussion interesting. I had better go take cover before science commences the "lamb blasting". I don't fancy getting covered with wool and other young sheep bits.
    3 points
  2. They're no more significant that a hundred thousand stones that happen to randomly organize themselves into a three foot high wall a mile long in an area where people are assumed to have never lived.
    2 points
  3. I see your point, yah I'm contradicting myself. I guess as a former hunter I realize from having wounded animals without killing them that I made them suffer. So If your going to go about killing one it should be humane as possible, and I know that seems contradictory to some, I will quit moralizing with this thread from here on out, because I realize it is my own internal battle I am expressing here as well, while on the one hand I want to be proven correct in my opinion of their existence, I do not want to be viewed as a killer. So I guess I am wanting someone else to do my dirty work....I'll stick to lighter subjects as I have proven myself to be too passionate about these types of matters, which causes me to spill my guts a bit more, which is not always rational, as you have proven.
    1 point
  4. All I know is that nine weeks in the field were easier when everybody was required to wear charcoal lined chem warfare pants and jackets all the time. Heck, they even cut down on troop flatulence complaints.
    1 point
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