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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2013 in all areas

  1. "You are condescending" is different from "I find that argument condescending". The latter is attacking the argument, the former is attacking the arguer and is designed to provoke and therefore inflammatory. My understanding was that this is against the rules - If I am wrong and a moderator would like to correct me please do so as if the rules are open to interpretation in this way then perhaps they should be clarified? You state that you cannot take your endless argument with DWA to the Tar Pit, have you considered taking it to PM or starting a new thread when the existing thread descends to an endless argument between the two of you? Whilst not in the rules, it would certainly be polite and courteous to the original poster and others trying to have meaningful debate around you.
    4 points
  2. Hello Incorrigible1, How do you think I got the idea for this thread? The smart ones felt bad for the dumb ones and so picked an airhead like myself to pass the info on to the Forum.
    1 point
  3. Gentlemen. Its pretty obvious that you all know the forum rules. If I can offer a bit of advice: Use the report button- the report button is your friend. The moderators watch a lot of threads but its quite a task to follow all of them. That is what the Report Button is for. In the meantime this thread is locked while the moderators are working out what next, and to give some time for cooling off.
    1 point
  4. ^^ Or you could, you know, stop being so condescending all the time.....just a thought.
    1 point
  5. " My annoyance tends to be with people who don't think that the evidence points that way, " This is why threads that you are in often end up with moderator statements or temporary locks. You refuse to acknowledge any opinion that differs from yours. People can examine the evidence and arrive at a different conclusion. Yet you do not allow for this. In your mind there is only one conclusion. Just because you find the evidence compelling does not mean that someone else will. And your dismissal of those people as incapable of proper thought or reading comprehension because they did not arrive at your conclusion leads to a lot of angst around here imo.
    1 point
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