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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2013 in all areas

  1. It makes humans guilty of not using all the "resources" that they have access to.
    1 point
  2. Hello Incorrigible1, How do you think I got the idea for this thread? The smart ones felt bad for the dumb ones and so picked an airhead like myself to pass the info on to the Forum.
    1 point
  3. LCB, here is an edited version of the file you uploaded. Listened to the Long-eared Owl recordings and I don't think they're a match. Doesn't sound like a goose to me either, but I would think goose before owl. 3 whoops junior going off edited.wav Since it really isn't connected with NAWAC we can move to another thread if you want to discuss it any further. Thanks, Booly
    1 point
  4. ^^ Or you could, you know, stop being so condescending all the time.....just a thought.
    1 point
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