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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2013 in all areas

  1. I grew up with a wooden boxed, crank telephone that hung on the wall. I have no idea as to how to do that. I would like for the reports to be saved; a lot time hard work and money went into those report. Tell me how to do it, and who to contact when I screw up and they are yours (the forums). You can contact me by e-mail or PM, which is more appropriate. Thanks
    1 point
  2. Branco, why don't you input your reports into the SSR database, they'll be preserved with the BFF forever and you'll be able to analyze them and leverage the stats from the SSR code for free. You'd also be contributing to the community knowledge base so that it helps the species in the long run. Sooner or later they will be discovered, why not have a hand in it, influence the direction of the research when it does happen? Let me know...
    1 point
  3. Pretty much wrong across the board. 1) There are MANY people active in the BF community who not only do not assume they exist, but are quite certain they do not. Why those people participate, I don't know, I don't need to be saved from my misguided experiences, but there they are, so ... wrong. 2) You say we'll never know without a specimen. Also wrong. You may not know, but I know. I've seen one, close enough, long enough, that I DO know. I don't have the Liberty Bell but I saw it and I know it exists. It's exactly the same situation. It may not suit your purposes. It suits mine. 3) As above, you might be engaged in speculation. I am not. I saw. I know. Nothing you can say changes that. 4) Could bigfoot exist is not a meaningful question. I have seen. Bigfoot does exist .. whether they can or not. The disbeliever logic is irrelevant to me since existence has been demonstrated to my satisfaction. 5) Their existence is no longer an interesting discussion to me. What I find interesting is figuring out what they are in all the things that can mean. How's your math ... geometry? You and I are not merely at opposite ends of the same line, we are on skewed lines that do not intersect. We don't agree what the discussion is about. The discussion you are trying to frame is years in my past, I've moved on. Finally, I do not know with personal certainty that it is in our best interest or theirs to prove their existence. It certainly satisfies our personal curiosity, but at what cost? Many of us struggle with that question and we each have to find our own answer. I'd say the bulk of the people here feel it is worthwhile. I don't have enough information to make my choice. When/if I know enough about them, then I'll know what the cost of sharing is. That's not a choice anyone has any influence on, it's a conversation between me and my conscience. I hope this makes some sense. MIB
    1 point
  4. It's not a matter of believing its a matter of peer review. Ketchum does not cut mustard!
    1 point
  5. I just gotta laugh. Famous maybe, in a bad way. Multimillionaire ... laughable. What did it serve Roger Patterson? Being the one who provides proof leads to a life I'm pretty sure I don't want. Never mind the question of conscience. MIB
    1 point
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