Science in its purest form is unrestrained by agendas, or by those who control resources. It is collaborative, and all hypotheses are explored without prejudice.
In real terms, however, science costs money. As a result, scientists must demonstrate the value of their research in order to continue it, and usually must convince funding sources of the value of their proposed research before they can gain funding to pursue it.
This skews the scientific process, and promotes corrupt science. A scientist has to eat, so he has the following choices:
1. Find someone, somewhere who will fund their research without condition or constraint (very rare today - only those with the highest status may achieve this, and usually only if they have a demonstrated track record of producing results of value).
2. Find someone who perceives value in their proposed research and convince them that if they fund the research, the results will provide some form of return, either economic, social, or political.
3. Find someone who has an economic, social, or political agenda and perform research that supports their agenda at their direction.
So, he who controls funding, controls what research is performed and scientist quickly learn that if they want to enjoy continued funding, they need to provide results that the funding entity considers valuable. So if I tell you I am looking for proof that field mice are turning green because butterflies are sneezing more often and offer to fund you while you prove this, most will attempt to gain as much funding as possible, for as long as possible, by demonstrating results that a) do not result in a loss of funding, and encourage further funding.
Today when you read a study you have to also look at who funded the study and what that organization's agenda is. How does the funder benefit from the results of the study and how might this relationship have skewed the study?
Powell, as a case in point, was in a position of influence and clearly had a prejudicial position, if not an agenda, and he used his influence in a corrupt manner to skew the course of research in the field over which he had influence.
At the very least, for any who have been demanding proof that the Smithsonian has ever acted with prejudice, to suppress certain findings, they now have it.