No shot here. In my opinion, "scientific" proof will be their downfall. For starters check out the extinction timeline to see what's become of predators around the globe, and they WILL be deemed predators due to bluff charges or rock throwing or very real attacks when on the defensive or simply their ability and size. Proof of SSQ will bring every yuck yuck with a rifle out of the woodwork in attempts to kill one, then claim self defense, which in turn will create the age old cycle of violence. I find it hard to believe that some government agency if not quite a few of them aren't well aware of their existence already. Whether through forest fire deaths or vehicle strikes, whatever, there must be those tax funded few who know and it's probably a good thing it's kept quiet. If the private sector scientific community were actually scientific about the SSQ phenomena they would be open minded and investigative, very few are in this regard. I have a friend who is a vet, we talk about SSQ but there is no way he will even consider evidence, it's an un-scientific joke. Same with two doctor friends, and one does dna research with black bears. Funny the closed-mindedness. But my core reason for the "no" is really that, as a species, we don't deserve to know. This may sound misanthropic and generally it is(specifically, as individuals, I love people) but as a species, we are similar to the porcupine who seems quite content to poop in its den or the cancer cell who consumes its host, we are a plague upon the earth with a few bright spots. Our knowledge base has so far surpassed our wisdom to use it, it's dangerous (geo-engineering band-aid anyone) We learn to split the atom, the first thing we do with that knowledge is kill 200,000+ people, mostly innocents.... Yet we stand as the "pinnacle of evolution." I'd expect more from billions of years work but no, we are an immature joke, wisdom-wise and for their sake, it's best if SSQ remains one too.