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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2014 in all areas

  1. I find BF to be much more interesting as a phenomenon once you realize that its actually a real creature. Beyond that I don't care to argue all that much as the skeptics often bring up some pretty tired arguments, none of which are true, about something with which they've had zero experience. OTOH I am very willing to discuss it and answer questions. It seems to me a lot of people who have had real experiences are probably similar. I'm pretty sure some would concede that misidentification could be an issue; others will not based entirely on the nature of their encounter. The forum is a nice venue, as we don't have to give out our names and phone numbers. That is indeed an issue- it was pretty obvious after my encounter that it was not going to be a good idea to broadcast the fact that it had happened. I have good friends that I simply won't talk about this issue, others where I will, all having to do with how I perceive their world view and their ability to handle something like this; also whether it will damage my relationship with them. If I had not had the experience things would be easier! On this matter its simply a fact that your world view will get shaken up if you ever have a real encounter; if that never happens you are probably better off.
    2 points
  2. Hello DWA, I think it's time to stop the antagonistic dialogue and just talk. Of course there are names. You know it and I know it and so don't a lot of other people. This day and age one has to consider identity theft and all kinds of other dangerous internet and phone scams to deal with. As far as ALL their names? Don't be ridiculous. Though most of what you've said in this thread IS ridiculous in that you always take the debate to the extreme edges of what is sensible. You want names PM me- but there will be a catch . I've got lots, along with addresses, phone numbers, emails, you name it. I'm saying this because I'm sooo tired of your empty challenges that carry about as much weight to me as to be hilariously irrelevant. I've already said your credibility with me is pretty much shot but here you are just rolling along trying to be clever. Yep. ridiculous.
    2 points
  3. Interpret it however you want to drodrigue. I think it's worthwhile to have more than one point of view available here. If that makes me the villain in your eyes, then so be it. I was simply being honest.
    1 point
  4. You'd also have to be pretty foolish to think that explains ALL bigfoot sightings. The trick in this biz is to figure out how to discern which is which, not just run blindly rubber-stamping stuff as truth or BS without any reason other than wishful thinking for either. That's the challenge an HONEST skeptic, not a scoffer, face. IMHO, of course. MIB
    1 point
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