Back atchya.
Within the practical context of this forum, I would say that those who speak from belief are less objective than those who speak from careful analysis.
Some evidence is clearly hoaxed and must be objectively dismissed.
Some evidence is inconclusive and cannot be used to prove existence, but neither can it be used to disprove existence. An objective individual acknowledges that the question of existence is open. One who states that all inconclusive evidence can be dismissed, and therefore existence is disproven, is not speaking objectively, they are speaking from personal belief.
And finally, some individuals, and even groups, have had clear, unmistakable encounters. For these people the question of existence is no longer at issue, I among them, having been within touching distance more than once.
Still, though I know conclusively that they do exist, I acknowledge that until someone else stands face to face with one, the question of existence is still valid for them.
But to have someone tell me that I am mistaken, for no reason other than that they believe that bigfoot do not exist, is amusing, and at times insulting.