I am sorry that I haven't come back to tell you all about how awesome of a time it was. Bob Gimlin RULES! Tom Yamarone was too much fun, Cliff was so accommodating. The OH BFRO organizers worked their tails off. I have been blabbing about it on the Hippy thread in the Tar Pit.
It exceeded expectations!
Cliff and our researcher said not to believe anything I heard that weekend. ;}
Here is a picture of Bob Gimlin getting a standing ovation from the Ohio crowd. He said that it was the best crowd EVER! Said it more than once. Told me personally, and others that it's not about him now, that it's about us. He shed a tear at the end of his speech, he was so moved by our reaction and hospitality all weekend. He hung out and talked to whoever wanted to talk. At 82 years old, his energy was amazing. And what he told very humbly, what he had to go through to get that tape was beyond impressive. Tom Yamarone filled us in on the details of the effort in private conversations. Absolutely mind blowing.
Thank you all!