Hairy Man, you stated your case very well and even though I don't want to be the trigger man. Bringing a Sasquatch down will help with the conservation effort but there are other options such as dart rifles which is what I prefer. Yuchi's points are well taken too and she/ he is asking good legal questions. I disagree with the statement "wood apes" are not humans. Below is a sketch of Patty without her hair, and she looks way more human than ape. With the facial hair they look ape like, but shave their beards and pop......they look human. This is why shot dead ones have been buried, since shooters feared murder when they could see behind the hair. I emailed a member who was charged by a Sasquatch and he said it looked like a caveman.
We really don't know what they really are except for a few people that were kidnapped by them. My opinion has changed over the years, and they are probably some relic hominid or caveman. This explains why they are so hard to locate, photograph, and study. They are 'skookum' which is an Oregon Rogue River Indian word for strong, smart, and powerful usually applied to Sasquatch. They are possibly cave people that discuss issues such as guns, being hunted, escaping detection and so on at a basic level of human communication much like handicapped humans communicate. If true the clan knows they are being hunted, and they discuss this issue with their families. The entire family then lives under tremendous stress since they need to find food, escape predators, and now look for snipers.
If one could be taken quick and painlessly then fine. However, killing a Sasquatch should only be attemped by highly trained snipers using long range military sniper rifles......period. The NAWAC should make sure sniper quality people are used. I was trained in the Marine Corps two week intensive shooting school and understand quick, painless kills. At the end of each day, we lined up and our score cards were read by 3 DI's freshly back from Nom. If your shooting was lousy you got punched in the stomach and slapped so they took this seriously.
Hunting the forest people, puts the entire clan under constant stress. It's a dirty job, and someone must do it since the entire race is under stress. We can credit the NAWAC for doing a job that highly financed biologist should be doing. Mainstream scientist refuse to get on board and secure high dollar grants to put Jane Goodall types in the woods that would bring in the evidence without killing one.
Are they really 'wood apes'? Shave off the hair and................pop............they look like cave men.
One needs to brought in by expert snipers that know how to kill quickly and painlessly with military quality sniper rifles. I was a Marine riflemen and know what good shooting is all about.
Yuchi, we can blame the cowardly biologist who shy away from trying to get huge grants to put Jane Goodall type people in the field that will bring in evidence without killing one.