You ask how Sasquatch humanity manifests itself, thinking it has to manifest the way you think it has to.
I don't think it does.
If a Sasquatch person can speak a language, but does not paint oil paintings, and you believe that each of those things is an attribute that belongs to humans only, then you will have to revise your definition of "human".
When your theories can no longer accommodate what is, you have to revise your theories.
The other point to be made is that Sasquatch DO do all those things you say they don't. They make tools and fire, live in communities, sing and dance, and make art.
WesT made a brilliant study of a Sasquatch blind, from which study he concluded that Sasquatch use spears to hunt deer. Not always. Just sometimes.
Other people have heard Sasquatch singing.
Others have witnessed Sasquatch building and tending fires.
Others have been gifted with Sasquatch art.
And on and on and on.
It's fine if you don't believe any of this. I do. I have enough experience of my own to know that none of this is impossible.
Again, I sooooo appreciate your civility. Have I mentioned how important I think that is? (I think it is very, very, very important.)
And I also appreciate that you say, "in my opinion if you don't make tools you're not human".
I guess I would say, in my opinion, if you have language, you are a human. Not that labels matter. The Sasquatch people are who they are, whatever we decide to call them. What's sad is that we seem to think we can accord them less respect if we don't classify them as human.