Randy....yeah, I'm old enough (55) to remember the whole dénouement, from "4 out of 5 doctors recommend Lucky Strike…It's TOASTED!" (and so your lungs will be too), to "there is no proven link" to "Warning: Cigarettes cause cancer!"
I don't mean to denigrate all of the medical profession as being complicit in that, because there are always good people and bad people in any profession, but the fact is the great majority of the scientific/medical community took a pass on looking too hard at this public health crisis, for way too long, despite lots of ordinary people knowing it was an issue that needed addressing. Once the effort could not be ignored any longer, momentum built quickly. The year I was born, 44% of Americans believed smoking caused cancer. How many years, and how many deaths resulted before the Surgeon's General joined those numbers? As Casey Stengel famously said, you can look it up.
Again, I see lots of parallels between this history and what we are witnessing now.
Oh, and here's just the latest example of inductive reasoning being ignored by those who should know better....the Chevy Cobalt ignition failures. I have to give a tip of the hat to my colleagues in the plaintiffs' bar for listening to their clients. Waiting on those to act who have a vested interest in staying ignorant is always a bad strategy in my book. The beat goes on...