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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2014 in all areas

  1. Clearly a statement made in ignorance. In my opinion, anxiety approaching the modern definition of PTSD is possible. That said, it would depend on the individual and the circumstances of the encounter. One aspect of such encounters is the lack of full understanding about what the subject is and about its behavior. Not knowing what to expect from something that a guy like Drew would tell you does not exist.
    2 points
  2. Sorry you feel this way, but what would you say if someone here had a pic, posted it and the next thing they heard was increased traffic at their home, stalking, out of state license plates on trucks with guys and guns in those trucks? Your peace and security at your home has now been exposed to crazies who would love to bag one???? Meanwhile your family and you have now been jeopardized and threatened because your security and peace is no more. I will say what I please about photos and never will I apologize for not showing what does not belong to me except without their permission. Not taking this personally but thought I'd bring it up again...................
    1 point
  3. PTSD is a modern diagnosis. I had an uncle that was on Guadalcanal during WWII. He would never talk about his experiences. That is how WWI and WWII soldiers dealt with it. They would not talk about it. It was called shell shock etc in those days, or if you were George Patton, cowardice. The present day military has downplayed it and not adequately dealt with it and as a result has an extremely high rate of suicide. I think a close face to face with a 9 or 10 foot creature that you did not know existed would certainly probably push a lot of people into PTSD.
    1 point
  4. Tell that to the kids who were fired upon by ;drug crazed hippies'. Or wait until the next incident. Either way I'm excusing myself from the Topic At Hand until which time BB decides to show evidence. This has gone on too many threads and long enough that I call BS on the entire escapade. All his evidence are belong to Zero.
    1 point
  5. Drew, last year Dmaker and others catapulted this thread to over a 1000 posts and that is what pinned it. I was chiming in with recordings and things going on at my home base, and was throwing around ideas as well as reports as above, well anyway it is a very interesting proposition, and I dismissed the Detroit report as having questionable sources.
    1 point
  6. For those that spout about their being more than one species ( and there are quite a few both on here and Radio etc ), I think it would be a good idea to nail one species of in identified North American Primate before going on and on about the existence of multiple species.
    1 point
  7. Lol, woodslore i've thought the same thing. or better yet have an amorous BF grab ol' MM or whoever in mid-whoop /yell , throw 'em over the shoulder and run off into the night . then the show closes with this song.........
    1 point
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