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  1. What data did he present? That would be the evidence everyone's been asking to see. Evidence would be real information. What you and others seem to be calling data is really dross, IMO. Now, if he had data that he wanted to share, that's different. Photos (even of the tree in question), video, audio, a log of events - something other than opinion. Nobody's coming down on the guy. Everyone, proponent and skeptic alike, just want to see evidence. Claims are not enough for some, and unsubstantiated claims shouldn't be enough for anyone.
    4 points
  2. When they are documented, they will not only "become" a species, they will become a cause. Thing is, they will become different causes for different groups of people. It'll be a circus. Take the different views on this thread, multiply them into about ten times as many views, and ramp up the shrill.
    3 points
  3. I'm glad you asked the question, Sheri! It's been asked before, but that's the first time I ever saw anybody answer it truthfully. Bored, lonely people with nothing better to do than joining forums, cause arguments & get entertainment from watching the arguments play out. I've often thought that most self proclaimed skeptics aren't even really skeptics if they told the truth about it.
    2 points
  4. It really was/is very transparent to me what the agenda was with some here with Bipto, as it was/is for a lot of us. I think the guy shows (hopeful present-tense usage intentional) remarkable class in having to field the same tired assertions over and over, veiled as questions. In my book, that qualifies as harassment. It was/is certainly not coming from a genuine quest for more information, but a need to play gotcha with his research findings. There is a mode of civil discourse and inquiry that doesn't require that tone or level of insinuation. Did it violate forum guidelines? Probably not. Was it disagreeable and counter-productive to arriving at answers? I think a lot of us here know it is never about arriving at answers for some, only about putting their markers down as oh-so "real." It does get tiring, in the extreme, to even just wade through all that dross to get to real information, and I can only imagine what I'd feel if it were my data, motives and abilities being questioned (but not really). It is a lot to ask of a body.
    2 points
  5. You know, I'm tired of others being blamed for Bipto's exit. He didn't mind sharing his info and observations when members were in agreement or otherwise enamored with his conclusions, yet when someone wanted to question some of those observations, he left. I'll say this once again - If you make claims of any type without expecting questions from the skeptical, you're being unrealistic. Also, if you expect others to not ask questions for fear of the OP becoming offended and leaving, that's unrealistic, too.
    2 points
  6. Drew: Did I say that was continuous or that I was talking only about Skamania County? I did not. I feel sorry for someone that needs Google earth to explore the world.
    2 points
  7. Will the last person to leave please turn out the lights when they go? At that point, all those who waste their time convincing the others that they are wasting theirs will have achieved their stated goal. They can all then be free to go on to wasting their time on something else, with somebody else. What is lost is only a plausible explanation that jibes with the evidence. (Oh yeah, we sort of missed that, huh?) We never even got to that stage on this latest episode reported from X, and in the absence of complete and better information it spun completely off into the weeds, where Bipto found it. Who does have the stamina for that kind of nonsense? I sure don't, you can count on that. Sounds to me like he doesn't either. To the best of my ability to tell, the members of the NAWAC doing this investigation, and Brian as their representative, came here in good faith to present only what they've seen and documented. It has been the most consistent and scholarly approach to this mystery that I've found here in these pages... on a par with the research Bill M. has done on the P/G film. The implicit message in many of the response to him here (as well as to Bill) has been...consistently stated, and said in many ways..."we don't believe you", because what you say doesn't comport with what we think we know. In the alternative, the message usually is, "We don't like your methods, and we want you to denounce them." Let's also not forget the ever popular, "Admit to me that at a deadline of my choosing, you'll admit defeat." Through all of this nonsense, plausible explanations of the evidence presented is then shunted to the bottom of the deck, where it usually languishes. As long as enough cracking and babbling is kept up, those inconvenient questions can be dodged by those who might find them uncomfortable to address. This latest case in point is only the most recent example of that process. Well, hot news here...the NAWAC member are not going to give up, or change their goal. What they will do though is no longer share that information on this forum. Way to go. Like I said, please get the light.
    2 points
  8. I am 100% sure there is no Bigfoot. Just FigBooTerY. A social construct that has brought us to this Discussion Point and no more. Great Topic though. Roger was a true pioneer. I am also 100% certain not a single one of you can counter my claims with a picture, track, measurement or anecdote. That's how certain I am and how it is right now. Feel free to prove me wrong though. This is after all a bigfoot forum and open to differing opinions...
    2 points
  9. sheri, the history of the phenomenon; the colourful characters (Dahinden, Patterson, Titmus, etc...); documented and confirmed hoaxes like SnowWalker and Elbe; there's the DNA that NEVER comes back unidentified homind/bigfoot; the whole PGF backstory; the complete lack of a body or even part of one; these are all related to the topic of bigfoot. These are but a few of the reasons I'm allowed to have an opinion on Bigfoot. It might make no sense to you, and that's cool. This forum would be a very boring place if everyone agreed with everyone else all the time.
    1 point
  10. It's a message board. If you want to keep a question private, then use PM. Otherwise, others are likely to chime in.
    1 point
  11. Sheri, quite simply put: there is a lot more to Bigfootery than just Bigfoot. Regardless of my non-belief in the big guy, I have an interest in the topic. What better place to discuss bigfoot than on a bigfoot forum, wouldn't you agree? Don't feel sorry for me. I live a very enjoyable life. mbh: check your inbox. It's all good chief
    1 point
  12. As defined by the forum rules? No. As defined by his supporters? I'm sure the answer would be "yes."
    1 point
  13. Sheri - I would suggest the ignore function. After a while, you can figure out some of these folks' schticks and well, at that time you can decide if you would rather gloss over the comments or continue beating yer head against a wall. Good luck with whichever you decide.
    1 point
  14. Really ?.To pass time ? LOL,WOW. I don't get on forums to pass time. I can't comprehend that. Makes no sense to me. I will get on political forums because i am passionate about politics. I got on this forum because I saw one. If people are getting on forums because they don't have anything better to do, then that's sad. I truly feel bad for them because life can be so much more than wasting time on a subject you don't believe in.
    1 point
  15. You guys do realize that Bipto is smart enough to know that if they bag one he will have a really hard time carrying on like there is no specimen on this forum while all kinds of chaos would be going on behind the scenes? It would be easier to appear to leave in a huff before one is taken down to avoid all the suspicions as to why he can't respond to every little comment. They don't want you to know when they get one, because you get one chance to pull the "we have a body" claim.
    1 point
  16. So, I guess this means you won't be showing us photos of the healthy 24" diameter hardwood tree, broken at the trunk then? I have done a more detailed drawing, and if Bipto was here, he could tell me if this was a clearer representation. Drawing is to scale.
    1 point
  17. mbh, that's not true. If you saw one it would be of interest to hear from others who have also. Or if you think it's a possibility it would draw your interest. If you don't believe it makes no sense why you would waste your time. There would be no reason to be here.
    1 point
  18. DM for your own sanity, give it up... Your objective of stopping people "believing" in Sasquatch will never be met no matter how hard you try to preach. And that must be your objective unless you just love driving yourself crackers daily. That's the key part DM from the opening post, why you then need to start screaming and shouting via a your keyboard and polluting another thread is beyond me. Good find Explorer, now we will start to dig a little more about it.
    1 point
  19. "At least they are not sitting around behind their computers commenting on every single post that someone makes.." Did you post this from the field?
    1 point
  20. When these creatures feel threaten in any way they move and find a place with better concealment. So it should make no difference when and where to show photo's. No one will know where the photo was taken anyhow if scanned properly. I was asked to destroy my photo's and I did in the way I was asked too. In my view or opinion I see nothing wrong with showing a photo of them. Where these creatures get upset is when you pounce on their turf so to speak, that is where the problem is. Leave them alone and let them be.
    1 point
  21. Meany skeptics sending in not Bigfoot samples to mess with believers. Welcome to Bigfootery.
    1 point
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