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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2014 in all areas

  1. Ummm ... the reason they're cryptids is they're hard to find. Anyone joining the search should start with a reality check. There have been a ton of talented, gifted, and dedicated people who've searched much of their lives with nothing to show for it if proof is the measure. (There are other measures of success but they are personal and take time to develop and appreciate.) Only the most arrogant or most ignorant of people are going to jump into bigfoot research expecting to instantly succeed where all others failed. The impatient do not belong in cryptid research. IMHO if "burn" is an issue, you do not belong here, it's a sign of over investing something you can't afford to lose. MIB
    2 points
  2. It is what I'm counting on, actually. When the circus finally leaves town, we can all go out and scan the grass for loose change that was dropped, and talk about what the tightrope lady was (not) wearing without risk of being overheard. It will be sort of nice.
    1 point
  3. Terry, I think we go through this every once in a while. In fact, I think there is a thread that was posted several months ago that basically started out the exact same way. After you have been here a while, the same ole threads get started, same discussions, same pics and vids...just new people joining the community. I think it mostly happens during "down times" when not much is going on in the BF world. At least there isn't a bunch of foolishness like Daisy in a box, Hank on tour, or waiting on the results of a 5 year DNA study starring bear steak. It could be worse.
    1 point
  4. Our resident self-proclaimed scientist will be around within six postings to proclaim it's mainstream Science fault for not coming to the same conclusions he has, since he's read thousands of "reports." "Book 'em, Dano."
    1 point
  5. Like so many things, it is an open question if this is truly a type-specimen, or not. Another one will need to be found and examined, looks like. It informs us a little bit as to how the scientific establishment woud reeact to a single, partial BF skeleton though, don't you think? Not so neat and tidy as one might predict, hmmmm?
    1 point
  6. Thanks again everyone for all the support, life is returning to normal. My wife and I just enjoyed a very good anniversary dinner last night, delayed due to the situation. It is very surreal to me how much difference 24 hours can make, on day I think I am preparing for the worst, and the next day I am enjoying a relaxing dinner. Suffice it to say every day we have on this earth should be treasured. I gained some perspective from the experience which I hope to hold onto. What really will matter in the end is the people in your life and the love you give. All the annoyances of life seem minor, like the guy in traffic, the stop lights, the co-worker, the boss, et.. in the light of eternity. I rested nicely after our meal enjoying listening to Loren Coleman on Coast to Coast and letting myself drift off to sleep with nothing but thoughts of a large hairy beast roaming my marsh.
    1 point
  7. No burn. Only deliberate curiosity. If you take this approach, and keep your expectations in check, you do not make yourself vulnerable at all. I keep my eyeballs peeled when I am out of doors anyway, always. If I spot something that fits my understanding of what this animal is, I will have chalked up another experience of the kind I hope to have plenty of by the time I croak. If I don't, I'll still have lots to reflect on that is pretty special too. I think we call this outcome a "win-win", am I right? No timetable. Low expectations. Look for consistencies in the evidence and follow it. Do that, and you're playing the long, smart game, I believe. I"m astounded at all the mind-blowing discoveries that have been made in my short life. None (Repeat: NONE) of those were my due, or anyone else's. They could just have easily not happened. I'm just grateful to my fellow humans that they expended the calories to make them, or were paying attention when those were dropped in their laps, and had the presence to document them when they did. I'm thankful for all those adults and teachers who steered me right as a kid to pay attention to that kind of knowledge, and who stoked my energy to stay curious, to this day. Life would be a pretty grim undertaking without that... for me at least. I try to find a down-side to this field of inquiry, and I'm frankly unable to ever see any.
    1 point
  8. I think some may suspect an ulterior motive, and don't want to be involved.
    1 point
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