The group managed another outing this month, on the first day of fall, which felt like the middle of summer, with bright sunshine, and temperature at 29C most of the afternoon. We chose to check out a valley near the east end of the Fraser Valley, south of Hwy 1. The start of the FSR is a little obscure, but we managed to locate it, and found the road to be in decent shape, as there is some active logging ongoing at the extreme end of one of the branch roads. The road climbs steeply for almost all of its 11km length, with a number of clearcuts in various stages of regrowth along the way, eventually ending at the present logging operation, near the crest of the eastern ridge of the drainage, at a spectacular lookout area with a view of most of the watershed.With the soil still damp from rain earlier in the week, we hads hopes of spotting tracks, but that didn't happen. We drove back down the valley, and back on to HWY 1, past Hope to the site of a report from about 2000, to have a look around. The site is already quite overgrown, compared to its open state at the time of the incedent. On another side trip along one of the valleys south of the highway, we found a very nice campsite, and a member of the group is planning a late fall campout there. It was wonderful to get out "on the hunt" for the day, see some new terrain, and spend time with friends and family who enjoy the search. A nice late afternoon lunch in Hope topped the day off, and the drive home went so smoothly, that the youngest member of the party (15) managed a good nap on the way.
Some shots from the day:
#1 End of the road at the logging site.
#2 Looking south from there.
#3 A side creek to the west
#4 Looking for tracks in the sandy soil here - only found tracks from 1 moose, and lots of people.
#5 Great campsite for a future basecamp.