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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2014 in all areas

  1. GeorgeRM There is another factor at play. With each generation of humans, less and less of them go into the woods for any reason. For a teenager being out of cell phone coverage is an emergency. High gas prices discourage weekend trips. Hunting is going out of favor because of PC factors, fishing is not being done as much by younger generations for the same reason, hiking and camping are less prevalent, so the net effect is fewer humans in the woods. And those that are in the woods are less capable woodman than in past generations. Certainly the lost hiker numbers are on the rise in the PNW.
    1 point
  2. Crowlogic...this is the "some people lie, so don't trust anyone" roadblock that keep the evidence from ever being discussed on any higher plane. This is what John Michael Greer likes to refer to as a "thought stopper", and he is so correct. When you toss out a conclusion like this, you've already disengaged from seriously discussing the evidence. When you fail to recognize that, yes, some kinds of people are generally more trustworthy than others, despite the very real bad acts by a few in those classes, you've shortcut the need to think about the content of what the others tell you. Result being, it all gets swept under the rug, never to be seriously addressed. We've been doing it for decades on this topic, with a predictable result. We can break this cycle, but not with those kinds of flippant dismissals, in my opinion. Thanks.
    1 point
  3. "We are the only hope for every species on this planet to survive." Ummm...what? Can you expand on that thought? Every other species seemed to be doing better without us, and, in my opinion, would be better off without us.
    1 point
  4. Several captures have been had with game cams, including the juvenile that is standing over the bait, and I think several others with lesser amounts of the body. The adults simply know when one is in the area, and that is a mystery at this point. I know that deer and other animals spook from the IR, it is obvious in my photos that they are aware of it and move on...the skeptics will always find a way to dismiss the obvious, even when it placed right in front of their face. Like this photo here, it is probably Heironimus's grandson in a suit shown below.
    1 point
  5. Again we have trail camera hits, just like we have video. What difference does it make? If the PGF is not going to sway you? Nothing will...,,.other than a slab monkey. If your goal is to prove the species to be real? You best not be investing a lot of time and energy in this medium, unless it's helping you bag one. Sorry it is what it is!
    1 point
  6. No issue with honest skeptics here. I have an issue with dishonest scoffers who call themselves skeptics and masquerade outright abuse of witnesses as "honest questions." MIB
    1 point
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