I was going to let this ride, but as an active bigfoot enthusiast/amateur investigator in western PA from the mid 1980's til about the mid 2000's, I always considered Mr. Keating less-than reliable, either through designs of his own, or over-enthusiasm, based on claims he made about evidence he had collected. This feeling was shared by a number of my friends and associates, but wasn't something anyone went around talking about. Because of his prominence in the field, and his organizing efforts for the area's bigfooting groups, I think many just let it slide. This is not to said to bash Mr. Keating (I feel everyone is entitled to have their evidence evaluated without bias, and also, that anyone evaluating evidence be free to draw their own conclusions), but to make it known that the scrutiny that hiflier is focusing upon this investigator is not without precedent, and should not be a surprise to bigfooters with any experience with his claims.