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  1. Is bigfoot getting a bad wrap? If I was a bigfoot and puny humans shot at me or my friends, it would be easy to develop a homicidal attitude. I wonder if humans are the real culprit and invaded BF territory for game, and shot some with arrows? This caused retaliatory raids led by bigfoots where they kidnapped humans as retribution. So what came first the chicken or the egg? 60% of my thinking leans towards humans as being the culprits. Awhile back, Shadow Born, or someone posted a report of N W Pacific Coastal tribe that pissed off the peaceful bigfoots and the bigfoots began to kidnap children for the first time. http://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/human-bigfoot-war-oklahoma-1855/ Many Western tribes describe areas of their territory that were totally off limits, and the Indians refused to go there, for these were the territories of the Bigfoots. These territories were full of game, but the Indians were so terrified that they avoided them like the plague. Why would Indians avoid a forage-rich area area due to creatures that don’t even exist? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Posted 03 September 2011 - 03:22 PM JDL: I performed a quick google search for some of the names in the Sacred Baby Mountain story. There are genealogical records of a Jonathan Joshua LeFlore in the Oklahoma Territory contemporaneous to the period of the account, and also a prominent Choctaw indian family with the surname Tubbee, including Chief Okah Tubbee.It seems to me that further investigation would require discussion with Dr. Tuklo Nashoba, the author of the account, to determine his sources, and some digging into territorial and tribal records from the period. Dr. Nashoba titled the story as a Legend, and authorized its use by the TBRI, stating that the "ITS-BIG" site containing the Legend "was mostly for fun". Dr. Nashoba's site no longer appears to exist https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&site=&source=hp&q=Joshua+LeFlore.&oq=Joshua+LeFlore.&gs_l=hp.13..0i22i30.3197.3197.0.5321.
    1 point
  2. To masterbarber and HRPuffnstuff both: It seems to me if you think that then you haven't been paying attention. Analogy might be politics. If you're somewhere in the political center, you might be taking a comparative right wing position when arguing with someone to your left, a comparatively left wing position arguing with someone to your right, **and be saying exactly the same thing both times**. DWA seems consistent to me. He appears to be saying there's enough evidence that the scientific establishment should be taking a closer look at it than they are. That's not the same as saying they do or do not exist, it really is, as he says, about the evidence. When a scoftic claims there's no evidence, he says "wait, look at this ..." and when a believer says they exist, he says "show your proof." That looks pretty consistent to me. It may not be polarized the way you think it should be, but it is consistent. MIB
    1 point
  3. I'll bet my last dollar that humans kill more people in the forests of North America than Sasquatches ever have and I say that because all animals are creatures of habit of if Sasquatches were killing people with alarming regularity and saw us as a food source, there would be far more people disappearing in the forests of North America. That isn't to say that sometimes circumstances dictated that they saw a human as a food source, but I'm talking in general.
    1 point
  4. An interesting study. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0110832
    1 point
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