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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2014 in all areas

  1. About the mass exodus.....I would call it a mass exodus when 25 were either gone or about to leave on May 5 & by July 7 it was up to 40!!!! Thank goodness it's back to 10 or 12 now! So, who has not been completely honest????
    2 points
  2. Ok. If you want to be completely honest, here's the "overalls post". I believe that the thread it was on disappeared sometime while you were an admin, but lucky for us, (since we're being honest & everything), I happened to keep a copy of it. I think I can come up with the first cigarette post as well, which didn't mention anything about chain smoking BFs, if you're interested. I still maintain that they "hop freight trains" although I wasn't the first member here to mention it. If memory serves me correctly, it was a member who is a very highly respected researcher. Thanks for giving me all the credit, though. And the mass exodus of 10 or 12 upstanding members/serious researchers, (which I believe rose to 25 at one point), I can't express how much satisfaction I got from a couple of them leaving! Sorry, but I just can't work up any remorse about it. I've heard a rumor that the forum has gained a LOT of new members because they were looking for information about habituation & paranormal topics, so maybe it didn't cause any major damage. I'm very careful to stay out of the "serious" parts of the forum, so as to not taint them beyond salvaging. I can speak as frankly as is necessary right here, & if you can't...too bad. We've already been all over the premium membership discussion & nothing has changed. Sorry about not inviting you & a research team of your choosing to come here, but we're kinda picky about who we allow on our property.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
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