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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2014 in all areas

  1. We were mushroom picking near Reedsport, Oregon, and I came across a low log shelter that could house one bigfoot. It's wide and low, and hard to spot from a distance. I drew a picture of it. I will get some pictures of it soon. My opinion is it's probably a nonhuman shelter since it's really low, hard to spot, and there is no trash around the place. It's a few years old and some of the wood is partially decayed. It's not rain proof and must be a summer shelter.
    1 point
  2. Hi Cotter - I dunno. I've thought about it some (a lot). No answers, but the speculation runs sort of like this: Picking the question apart, considering our move towards imbedding processors in biological organisms and possible biological computers in the future, I think the question of whether it is "just by thinking vs using equipment" stops having any meaning. Paradigm shift. Further, string theory seems to suggest that point to point transfer is possible, at least mathematically. (My perception of "dimensions" is that of a physicist, not the "woo" interpretation. Dimensions are measures, not places.) It really comes down to engineering. We're a long ways from having the engineering moxie to build a device that would facilitate a dimensional shift. Whether a living organism could survive such an event, even if such a device existed, who knows? A final thought ... would we recognize such technology? It seems so far ahead of us that Arthur C Clarke's famous quote is applicable: "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Even if they were able to do all that, and I think it's a big if, I don't think it would stop them from being shot in all cases. You have to be aware of a danger before you can act to avoid it. Yes, I do put stock in SOME OF the stories of BF being shot. Compared to other types of reports, many more of these ring false, but some do ring true. Finally, no, I don't think BF uses anything interdimensional to avoid trail cameras. I think the answer is much simpler strictly based on simple F&B. MIB
    1 point
  3. Anyone that is a proponent of BF shape shifting, moving in and out of other dimensions etc needs, for me anyway, to provide one example in nature where that has been documented with anything. I will even accept evidence at the subatomic level. Matter changes to energy and energy to matter but it all stays in this dimension. I am not aware of anything in nature other than anecdotal stories and I read everything I can get my hands on about science. If a witness observes that sort of thing, it is most likely something taking place in their mind, not a physical manifestation. That is interesting enough in its own light and certainly does merit some study with suitable controls. One can encounter the same people fairly often. All it takes is similar interests, tastes, or whatever. I have a terrible memory for names but do remember faces. Sometimes I know I have seen someone before but unless you talk to them you cannot figure out where you know them from. Sometimes it is as simple as they are a clerk in a particular store you sometimes frequent.
    1 point
  4. ^Very cool pics. I enjoy trail cam pics. Quick story, talking to my bow hunter pal this weekend. Asked him how he was doing. He relayed a story to me that, about a month ago, he stopped catching a 9 pointer on one of his cameras. "It just disappeared". He had been seeing it over a few week period working a heavily used trail. But then, all of a sudden, no more pics. Fast forward (and rewind?) to last weekend, he's out in the woods, hunting over this trail by his camera and sees this 9 pointer coming down the trail. He watches it get up to where the camera is, and surprise surprise, leaves the trail and goes around BACK of the camera. Hmmmm...now how did it know which end was the back? Are we to believe that this deer has figured out what that contraption is and what it is used for? Folks, I think it's VERY obvious that animals very easily detect cameras, and actually avoid the picture taking direction at times. (when the animal is 'smart' enough).
    1 point
  5. BobbyO, do you remember the video that was posted here of Baboons that kidnapped wild dogs, raised them, and used them as pets and protection? I found it to be extremely eye opening when it came to primates and their relationship to dogs, of course in this situation the dogs themselves posed a threat to the Baboons, but I could see how a symbiotic relationship could arise in a similar way between coyotes and Sasquatch... http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0LEViWewGBUER4AsuwPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?p=gibbons+kidnap+wild+dogs&tnr=21&vid=BEE9FB8B5B39D7EA813FBEE9FB8B5B39D7EA813F&l=177&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DUN.608018905333170200%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7I7-SADai3Y&sigr=11an6di9d&tt=b&***=Saudi+Arabian+Baboons+Kidnap+Puppies+%26+Raise+Them+As+Pets.&sigt=11q2k9fuq&back=http%3A%2F%2Fus.yhs4.search.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Dgibbons%2Bkidnap%2Bwild%2Bdogs%26type%3Dspd_dnldstr_14_21_ie%26param1%3D1%26param2%3Dcd%253D2XzuyEtN2Y1L1Qzuzy0AtDtDyE0EtByC0D0AyByEyC0EyC0AtN0D0Tzu0SzzyBtCtN1L2XzutBtFtBtDtFtCtAtFzztN1L1CzutCyEtDtAtDyD1V1TtN1L1G1B1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SyDyEtD0C0EyDtCzytGzz0EyC0BtGtByDtD0EtGtB0A0AyCtGtDzy0Azyzz0AtDtD0D0E0FyB2QtN1M1F1B2Z1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SyE0FyDyDyDtDtD0EtGtD0C0D0DtGtDyB0FtCtGyE0F0AyEtGtDtCyDtB0B0AtByDyDyBzzzy2Q%2526cr%253D1322096769%2526ir%253D140305_a%2526elng%253Den%2526elcl%253Dus%2526a%253Dspd_dnldstr_14_21_ie%2526f%253D1%2526cat%253Dweb%2526ulng%253Den-US%25252Cen%25253Bq%25253D0.8%2526sid%253D330d2832f0fa38123ca72f56fbd8d07c%2526stype%253Dspd_dnldstr_14_21_ie%2526sesid%253Decc82285ca664e08597d4721812f7c89%2526abid%253D35%2526abg%253D88%2526ipblock%253D%2526csr%253D0%2526b%253DChrome%2526bv%253D38.0.2125.111%2526os%253DWindows%252B7%2526cc%253Dus%2526ip%253D73.44.155.62%2526p%253Dspeedial%26hsimp%3Dyhs-fullyhosted_003%26hspart%3Dironsource%26ei%3DUTF-8&sigb=1re609v71&hspart=ironsource&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003 The print I concluded was most likely of human origin, it can be accounted for with a vibram 5 toe show, which does resemble the sole print as well as lacks the normal tread. I bet a lot of these will be mistaken for real prints, and that is why I sent it off to Cliff. I vacillate only because of the circumstances of finding the print, it was seemingly done in the darkness of night. I would think with the lack of tread on the shoe it would not be a logical choice for a run in the snow.
    1 point
  6. I absolutely think they keep them around for survival purposes such as for hunting or an early warning system. It's also likely that one here & there that isn't earning their keep might turn up on the menu. But none of that means that it's not possible that they could be friends with some that are special to them. I agree that we are classified as animals, too, but it's pretty rare to hear most of us being routinely referred to as such.
    1 point
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