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  1. You're killing me Crow. What math ? There is no math, nobody's done it. No Scientist has ever gone near Sasquatch reports collectively, they've only ever just given their opinion about x or y which to me, means nothing. I don't see anyone at all even attempting to look in to what you're talking about, except us, and we've all got full time jobs and families to feed. You ask another question about why all these sightings have never been tabulated and put into a centralized system and i'll ask you, have you ever read anything at all that i've written ? Are you serious when you say that more reports lead to a slimmer chance of the expectation of discovery ? And again i'll ask you, have you not read anything at all that i've wrote ? Great questions, fabulous, you just sit there though and ignore what i write, ignore what we're trying to do, ignore the amount of hours ( 3 years now ) that myself and other volunteers have put in to ADDING THOUSANDS OF REPORTS A CENTRALIZED SYSTEM THAT CAN PREDICT/GUIDE A RESEARCHER TO A SIGHTING/CAPTURE. You carry on ignoring all of that, and just asking these same kind of questions and checking in every now and then, without contributing anything positive to what you're talking about whatsoever. Poor form, thumbs down..
    3 points
  2. Crowlogic. Your post #146, have you not been reading anything that Bobbyo has been writing? He has been saying over and over that he and several others are trying to create the type of analyzable database you are talking about.
    2 points
  3. Thermalman the boil down of the post was that thru analyzing report data Bobbyo found a pattern of big increase in human population where they were a lot of reports before the human population growth. The sightings in the area dropped but the sightings moved progressively to a new area where there were not that many sightings of Sasquatch before and the new area also coincided with migration routes of deer and elk that were being tracked by hunting groups. A pattern with connections that should not be lining up like that if the reports were faked/ hoaxed etc.
    2 points
  4. Haha good one Crow yeah. You've summed yourself up completely over the past 24 hours. Big thumbs down on more than one occasion.
    1 point
  5. As i mentioned briefly Gumshoe, i spent some $ looking at Deer and Elk migration paths in Colorado because Sasquatch Sighting reports disappeared almost ( but not quite ) altogether from the Colorado Springs area from around 2000. I couldn't understand why an area that had regular reports coming out of it for a couple of decades all of a sudden dropped off the radar so i looked into what happened at that time in the immediate area and found this I wondered if that signaled enough was enough for them at that particular time in that particular area, so then the question was " So where did they go ? " and i got searching. I looked at the sightings, where did the sightings go around those years ? Well, they went west and to a concentrated area that never saw a great deal of reports prior to these years, but then boomed beyond then to this day, so then the question was " Why this area ? " and i got searching. I looked at the area and what it had there, and i found after paying for google earth files from hunting companies, two of the biggest migration routes for both Mule Deer and Elk on the continent as i had a sneaky feeling of where they would be, and then it all made sense. As far as Lunar Phases go, i've just started to look into them more seriously ( about 6 months or so now ) and are running those numbers always alongside other stuff i do. I'm also looking into Deer and Elk behavior in WA and am learning about that as i believe we could learn a lot from how they move, when they move, where they move to, and running Sasquatch reports alongside them plus the Lunar Phases, or not as the case may be. We have a wonderful tool built in within our system that calculates the moon phases on any given day in history, and the moon phases numbers always run alongside any numbers i am crunching so i always have an eye on them. It's all a learning process of course but i truly believe this type of research will be hugely beneficial in the coming years. The key thing is i can spot things within number sets that stand out, consistencies or inconsistencies whatever the case may be, i do it as my day job currently with Sports Performance Analysis and that helps.. Woo Hoo, at least we're making progress..
    1 point
  6. Crow you're wrong my dear. You're talking about consistencies within sighting reports, i've found tonnes Crow and do you know why i've found tonnes Crow ? Because i am trying my hardest ( i'm qualified to do so too ) and i along with others have spent the best part of three years now breaking down hundreds upon hundreds of reports ( we actually have thousands ), breaking them down again and then breaking them down some more and analyzing them thoroughly. If there wasn't any consistencies within reports i wouldn't be telling you that more than 80% of wood knocks ( 83% to be accurate ) in a certain large part of WA State occurred within the four darkest moon phases, with the lowest light conditions. But i can tell you that because that's what the reports tell us. If there wasn't any consistency within reports, i wouldn't be able to tell you about a place in WA State that within a 20 and 30 mile radius of it, has a very, very abnormally high % of Sasquatch reports in Spring compared to the immediate area that it's within where Spring, like it is at all other time is the majority of the time, the season with the second lowest amount of reports. If there wasn't any consistency within collective reports i wouldn't be able to tell you than in a certain State in the US that saw a big growth in a specific City, Sasquatch reports in and around there dropped off almost completely and went, in perfect timeline from East ( the City ) to West ( new area ), 75 to slap bang in the middle of one of the biggest Mule Deer and Elk migration paths ( i paid for the Google Earth files from a hunting site that confirmed them ) on the Continent where Sasquatch reports had been virtually nil before the growth of the City, and then absolutely boomed and continue to do so until this very day. But i can tell you that because that's what the reports tell us. Of course, you won't know that nor will many else but don't tell me that collective analysis of hundreds/thousands of reports is meaningless because again, i'll tell you that what you're saying is utter rubbish. Analysis of accurate data in life makes the world go round across the board. It pays my bills currently and i have no doubt whatsoever that at some stage in the future, the right kind of analysis of Sasquatch sighting reports will reveal results that will undoubtedly show information on the behavior of these animals. I'm not talking about black ones and brown ones, one's that are 7ft tall and one's that are 8ft tall neither, i'm talking about patterns of movement at certain times of the year and patterns in other behavioral habits of these things. It is possible, very possible and proof of that is in what i told you above. If there wasn't consistency in reports, i wouldn't be able to tell you any of that. We have to get our heads round how to best present this stuff admittedly so please nobody crucify me on what i've said above as i know it's loose but it isn't a secret, i just want to be able to present it in a way that everyone will understand as i believe that's crucial and we haven't quite got there yet. If anyone's impatient about it, pay my bills and i'll do it quicker i promise.. Completely agree but you're again completely ignoring that consistencies can and have been found in collective reports, and reports numbering in their tens/hundreds/thousands combined, after qualified analysis.
    1 point
  7. Hello Lightheat, and here are the pictures. Ick, I jerked the camera in the deep woods since the shutter speed was slowed down.
    1 point
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