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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2014 in all areas

  1. Norse if you and your family and friends are headed out in the winter Take a look at some of the winter survival foods available in the winter. Vitamin C is a very big need for primates and the sources are lessened in the winter. Rose hips- very high in vitamin c and can be found clinging to the plants thru the winter. Watercress- can be found near any moving water even in the winter- one cup(34g) raw has 22% vitamin A, 24% vitamin C (based on 2000 calorie human diet scale) .Pine needles- very high in vitamin C and makes a great tea to ward off the common cold, make sure not to harvest Yew, Norfolk island pine, or ponderosa pine they are poisonous to humans. Cattail- lower rhizomes and shoots are sweet (more so in the winter) and starchy, also packed with vitamin c, potassium, and phosphorus. wild garlic and wild onions- Vitamin A and C, garlic is also a natural broad spectrum antibiotic meaning it can fight bacterial, fungal, and microbes. Burdock - this root has a lot of vitamins including vitamin E and C, a lot of other very useful nutrients. Freshwater clams/mussels - protein and vitamin C, not as much as fresh liver from a animal species but easier to catch in the winter. Chickweed - found in open sunny areas, vey high in vitamin C and lots of other nutrients. Almost if not all of these will be found around the above mentioned creeks, rivers, and meadows. They are good for humans if you get stuck out there low on food and or do not have high nutrient rich food with you. Be safe out there Norseman, we all would like to see you make it back to tell us of your experiences wether you find Sasquatch or not, it is beautiful wilderness you get to run around in out there. - David
    1 point
  2. So, once again, THIS thread brings to my mind the singular question, "Why does anyone care what this Radford person says or thinks?" All his pontificating means nothing to those who have seen one... and time is bigfoot's enemy. They WILL one day be proven to exist, for better or worse. I just hope it's a LONG time from now.
    1 point
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