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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2014 in all areas

  1. You are not going to be able to go anywhere worth spending any time at and not be questioned. Tough questions help more than many think. That's what makes this forum, in my opinion, the only place that matters when discussing bigfoot, because we have a good mix of believers, scoftics and those in between. However, I think as long as someone doesn't try to say they are 100% correct and is not willing to hear anything else, they serve themselves well. I see many people here say, when tough questions are being asked, to "keep an open mind". Well, the reverse is true as well. Those offering up their story should also keep their mind open to the possibility that they are wrong. That seems to be as much a cause of trouble as the tough questions. Once you put up a wall and draw sides, the ball does not move further, and that is what we need in the BF world, something that can move forward and be more impervious to the slings and arrows. If we find something that can hold up to tough scrutiny, we will all really have something then. That said, there will always be those who refuse to believe. They are everywhere in life, they are unavoidable and indestructible. Such is life and we know life ain't easy. But then, nothing worthwhile is easy. In my opinion it was a mess of Bipto's own making. He did not have all of his ducks in a row before opening his mouth, and it cost him. Agreed chele, or a simple, I can't answer that question as hard as I have tried. Either of us could be right.
    4 points
  2. Rock is nailing it here. We went scofftic on the healthy tree incident, turns out we were right, what a shock that physics works. We did not go scofftic on Brian, or NAWAC, or area X. They claim hundreds of events it was no crime at all to be wrong about one, and no foul on us to point it out.
    1 point
  3. I think it could. If the person came in with an open mind, ready to hear others opinions. For example, if I came in and said, "I saw something up in a tree, shaking it around, then the tree broke off at x inches, and I saw something run away.... What do you guys think?" Granted, I would get a bazillion questions. But if I really wanted advise, feedback, I would answer them the best I could or say, "I don't know, but I will try to find out". I don't see why that wouldn't work.
    1 point
  4. The entire problem was that Bipto brought it up here before it was properly investigated. He was wrong in his initial assessment. That is why it is important to have all available information before relating the information. I'm afraid now, some will just say they are tailoring the story to suit their purpose.
    1 point
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