My only additonal thought is just a general observation about all internet discussions, and not just as it interects with the late NAWAC thread. Al Gore's invention can enable us all to speak before we think, and induces an ever-acccelerating need to be the first to put his marker down on a conclusion. Necessarily, we are all doing that on imperfect information. The predicted result is that we can come to hasty and unfounded conclusions, even though the intent is only to discuss. Sometimes this predicted result does not happen, and there is a definitive conclusion that can reasonably be drawn from the limited information (Case in point, the "Primate Hand" thread, where photos alone pretty conclusively showed it was not) but many, many times, the information is less definitive by nature (Brown Thermal anyone?) or there may be key pieces of information was the case, apparently, in the NAWAC thread. What you get in those cases is a bunch of warring factions, each lobbying for their favorite conclusion, and all without the crucial information required. It goes nowhere fast when that happens.
In a field like this, where so much is uncertain, our conclusions might should more often reflect that uncertainty. More often that not, the prudent response to information we are provided here might best be, "Hmmm....I sure would like to know more about this."