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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2014 in all areas

  1. XC ( and others ), get the darkest moon phases in to your head with regards for timing of when you utilise your own knocking. Analysis of over one hundred reports of wood knock reports suggests that knocks are more common at these times. In WA State, knock reports in the darkest moon phases as opposed to the brightest are at 64%. Across the entire continent, 75% of the four most common moon phases where knocks have been reported are in the darkest moon phases. Interpret that how you wish, but it is what it is.
    4 points
  2. I was driving back from the Oregon coast today and thinking about the void that is increasing between humans and BF in North America. During the over 10,000 years BF shared the continent with Native Americans there was not a lot of difference in how the two groups lived. Tribal differences and probably social structures very different, but NA's basically did things the way BF seems to. Both hunting deer, gathering vegetation, etc. The NA's used tools but not in a way much different in that they both used rock, stone, and natural things. A rock on a stick is not a lot different than one thrown or used in your hand. The NA clothing was things associated with their hunting. Various skins and furs. Not a lot different than the BF natural appearance and little if any evidence of technology. Then came the European migration with guns, woven clothing, metal buttons. That changed things significantly. In a matter of several hundred years the humans began to display ever advancing technology. Better guns, rifle scopes, FLIR, and other gadgets which must be a total mystery to BF. With each wave of technology humans get, the void between their everyday life and how ours is gets larger. This has to effect how they look at us. Technology they do not understand has to be frightening to them and has to be driving them further away from any trust with us or mutual understanding. It has to be making things more difficult for BF research when we are getting ever more frightening to them with each passing year. To punctuate my thoughts something threw a rock at my vehicle. No cars nearby either direction. I stopped and looked around but did not see anything. The side it came from was not significantly above the road, it was pretty much level. Nothing to indicate it as a natural rock fall. If it was in my research area I would think it was just another sign that the BF are still ticked at me.
    1 point
  3. I had very good luck with a solid maple jam block and had high fidelity emulation of same I am wondering if some form of steel ball bearing clacker arrangement might get you as good as clacking rocks
    1 point
  4. Just a question, how much evidence have you or any resident skeptic here scrutinized personally Crow? You said you touched whale bones one time and that assured you they were real. Ok what if they were a cryptid and there were no bones to touch? Just some grainy photos and video of whales breaching and some audio files of whale songs? It would seem pretty preposterous to most that the idea of largest fish in the sea was a mammal!? That it breathed with lungs through a blow hole on top of its head!? That it birthed its young in the ocean vs laying eggs!? We have bipedal hominid bones to touch Crow and we ourselves are a bipedal primate. Nothing about Bigfoot that we should find nearly as strange as a whale. The only question left to answer is extant? Or extinct? And where.
    1 point
  5. Field work yesterday. Went to an area I have not been to for some time. Much of the area has been logged but wanted to see how much of that they have done. Pretty much wrecked it for BF habitat. So I took off up a logging road towards the areas that have not been logged. Deep into an area I have never been before. Noticed this rock placement on a stump so hiked up the hillside to take a look. Fairly steep to get there. Once there noticed it was just one of several that defined a little used trail switch backing up the ridge. Upon examining the trail did not see any deer tracks. But vegetation was knocked down indicating fairly recent used. The largest rocks have to weigh 80 to 100 lbs. This is the first marker that puts you on the trail. It is two short cut pieces of wood stacked on each other on the stump. Ok down below what brings you to this marker? This is not natural. This 6 inch diameter cut log was placed on the stump. It points directly up the ridge to what I call the first marker. There is nothing above it so it had to have been placed here. If you look in the direction the 6 inch log is pointing you can see the stumps where the rocks are on the ridge that define the trail. My theory is that BF used these rock markers in logged areas to define trails they use. The rocks would be visible in near dark conditions to define the trail in difficult areas. Rocks or sticks on the ground would not be visible in low light conditions. But rocks on stumps would be. This area is remote. It is 1 mile to the nearest trail below. Now it gets weird. I knew weather was coming in in the afternoon and wanted to get out and down the steep logging road I parked on before the rain hit. I hiked back to my truck, loaded my pack and gear in the truck and started to drive out. Within a few yards of my truck I noticed this along the side of the logging road. I did not see it driving in. It is about 3.5 feet tall, initially stuffed with Styrofoam beads. It had been gutted, where it lay, as if a hand had been thrust into its gut cavity. You can see the beads next to it so that happened where it lay. Not sure what it is supposed to be but looks very BF like. Long hairy arms and it seems to be a boy (look at the crotch). I touched it to photograph it and it smelled to really bad like it had been someplace very smelly. This for sure goes into my weird file. Will not even try to explain how a toy could be miles away from the nearest house along a logging road and end up near my truck. Several times I have set up a spotting scope at this exact spot to look at the adjacent ridge line and spend several hours watching for movement.
    1 point
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