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  1. One researcher I know is pretty sure they don't actually "Wood knock" so much as they just slam their hands together or something, I have gotten knocks back immediately and also sometimes had to wait a good 5-10 seconds before they happened so I really don't know. I have heard some that were more reasonably loud but louder than i could do that were pretty dang close to me(But behind cover, which I followed and found what may well be a pretty big heel print), and some that were like a shotgun or a explosion going off into the air in a way. Off the top of my head I am thinking they may have to use the knocks more often at those times due to lower visibility! They seem to use stuff like that to ping each others location! The Giants in my area almost solely use knocking as a means of communication it seems and definitely use it to get my attention, you hear animal imitations sometimes, but the knocks are real common in some parts and getting a response is pretty easy. My experience with these big guys may not apply to all of them, but it seems to me that they just really aren't that serious or mean at all but rather get a kick out of messing with me, and I do too. I personally think the problem with most people who go into the field for research is that they are just to friggin defensive when out in the field...people gotta loosen the heck up and pull the stick out of their butts! Thanks for the advice all! I am gonna look into all suggestions. One thing I would like to say is that when you are out in the field and hear a gunshot off in the distance or whatever, look into whether or not it is even possible for a hunter to be back in the area....so far where I am at it is absolutely not.
    1 point
  2. Piltdown was a hoax, bigfootery has those too. It's just one example of many that reinforce the necessity of research with repeatable results. That's why sighting reports aren't doing it and never will. Blaming science or scientists for making mistakes doesn't make much sense. Science is a learning process, not a single moment in time. Scientists are human, new techniques and tools provide new answers and new questions. Making a mistake when using the best available knowledge doesn't negate the fact that a mistake was made but consider the alternative and ponder how far off we might be if we relied solely on guesses and impressions. Einstein worked on what gravity is after Newton described how it works. Einstein didn't disprove Newton's work, he built on it. Scientists around the world are trying to build on Einstein's work, many believe it won't escape revisions. Compare that to the field of bigfootery and ask yourself which path is more likely to provide the correct answer? Blaming science or skeptics for the lack of bigfoot proof is a dead end which makes absolutely no sense.
    1 point
  3. XC ( and others ), get the darkest moon phases in to your head with regards for timing of when you utilise your own knocking. Analysis of over one hundred reports of wood knock reports suggests that knocks are more common at these times. In WA State, knock reports in the darkest moon phases as opposed to the brightest are at 64%. Across the entire continent, 75% of the four most common moon phases where knocks have been reported are in the darkest moon phases. Interpret that how you wish, but it is what it is.
    1 point
  4. The skeptical fallacy coupled with the stipulation that all reports are false by definition because bigfoot cannot, therefore, does not exist. Classic circular reasoning that goes so far as to invalidate even the formulation of a hypothesis. Worse, their position is based on nothing more than their own belief system. They can't prove their own negative hypothesis, so they regress to attacking all evidence that does not support their own belief based, negative hypothesis.
    1 point
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