Here are a couple of recordings of woodknocks that I believe are from a young male Sasquatch. The first seems to be a reaction to, or setting off of coyotes. The second is just isolated and no response or reaction. Both were recorded in the 12-3am time frame, while it could possibly be a human, I think that is very unlikely given how armed myself and neighbors are, and the watch we keep on our 5 house neighborhood that backs up to the marsh. Take it for what you will but I also
think the very initial sound that occurs after the siren is imitation of the siren. The example that is followed by the moans
I include because it is a response from the distance, and might be an example of communication. If anyone can rule
that moan out as a fox or something else please let me know, but as for now it is suspect. It will also be obvious that I live
on a fairly busy road, after 2am the bars close and light traffic is typical, and I live on a chain of lakes with a larger river flowing into it just to my north. The Marsh is set back from the road such that you really cannot even tell there is a marsh and it is surrounded by trees.
sirens coyotes tree knocks.mp3
five wood knocks.mp3
Banging Moan Howl.mp3