Xion, do you have any logging/clear-cut ( 'view making as NorCal Logger would have said' )/ thinning activity in your area? I am not sure how you are gifting as in on the ground, on a stump, etc..
Years ago, I had a gifting location in a clear-cut. Lots of new growth (hiding places ) and lots of stumps. I used an old, silver-wood stump with rotted out heartwood. I would load up the cavity with apples. I would load 6 apples. Braeburn worked really well. The upper surface of the lowest apple was about 8-3/4" down. Retrieving the apples required 'grasping', especially the lowest apple. I peeled a sliver of wood from the stump and poked it into an apple. I would camp 1,000' away, no one got past me, and the apples would be gone in less than 12 hours. The 'stick' would be on top of the stump. Removing the stick required some force. I used a Chatillon scale, 15 lb capacity, #IN-015M. I pushed the stick 2" into the apples. 4-7/8" of the stick was for grasping. Testing different apples on location, the horizontal withdrawal force ranged from 7 lbs to 13 lbs. No teeth marks or beak marks on the stick. A raven is smart enough to do this but the Raven beak would have left marks. This was going too good and I put a camera 14' away from the stump. Nothing. All activity stopped.
I am wondering if you have any way to 'test' for reaching and grabbing using available woodland features ( costs less than plastic containers ).