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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2015 in all areas

  1. Branco did a report on this. It was posted in his thread in the In the Field Section. I will try to find a link. It's a very interesting read. Here ya go! http://bigfootforums.com/index.php/topic/44275-some-field-reports/page-2#entry795333
    1 point
  2. Circumstances? I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. I went on an early morning general purpose exploring trip. There's a pond I'd never been to. The "trail" is an abandoned, gated off road about 2 miles long. Dept of F&G told me they used to stock it. Since it was deer season, I grabbed my rifle, my hunting pack, threw in my fishing rod, and camera of course, and went for a hike. About 4 miles round trip. I had a near sighting first, then the giggly voices about 25-30 feet father, then later on the way back, about 200 yards back towards the truck, I had a brief sighting. I don't believe it was the same one. No sense of threat in any of it. The whole thing was oddly humorous. MIB
    1 point
  3. The group made it out for our first recce of the new year today, hitting the road at 0700, and at the target area by 0800. We went to the same watershed as the previous outing during the late fall salmon run, to see if there was any remains of the fish carcasses left to feed the wildlife. The few bodies that remained were almost totally decayed, so there's not much left there for any scavengers. We drove further up the logging road, till it became a little too icy for the 2 wheel drive truck we used for this trip, parked it, then hiked another couple of km in, looking for tracks in the inch or 2 of melting snow that was being washed away by the steady drizzle. There were numerous deer prints, including one very large set, and a couple of sets of coyote prints, but nothing else except tire tracks and boot treads. The area will be explored further as the year goes on, since it looks promising, and there have been nearby sightings in the last decade. There are numerous side branches of the main logging road, and a well marked hiking trail through part of the valley, so lots of area to check out. We stopped for lunch at around 1300, and discussed future trips, then solved all the country's problems over coffee, before heading home to dry out the damp hiking gear. Here's the motley crew on the trail today, left to right: Magniaesir, Alohacop, and Thomas Steenburg
    1 point
  4. Northfork, my reply dealt with sightings on public lands. Another consideration is private property owners. Owners do not want to have their areas over-run with crazies, lunatic fringe, hunter/trackers and info-tainment types. Their areas would be destroyed.
    1 point
  5. I'm not a fan of all this type 1 and type 2 stuff, I have no idea who gave the person that thought it up the authority to say such things as fact nor why he'd even begin to believe such talk would stand up for so many when we can't even nail or tie down a type specimen of any type in the first place. Much, much, much more chance of the witness getting mixed up with what they're seeing for me rather than upright walk dogs crossed with men. That to me sounds like a Bear, and Sasquatches most certainly aren't Bears.
    1 point
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