Moving on to Sykes book due out in April, formerly called "Yeti Enigma", now being titled
"The Nature of the Beast: The First Scientific Evidence on the Survival of Apemen into Modern Times"
Well that has a better ring to it, given what I have presented here I wonder what will become of the book, and is the title change significant?
"Researcher Rhettman Mullis provided an update on the search for Bigfoot and the latest research in the field. According to Mullis, Bigfoot activity increases in the fall as the creatures move down to lower elevations to feed before winter. Apple orchards are a popular destination, he noted. Mullis announced Dr. Bryan Sykes' upcoming book, Nature of the Beast: The First Scientific Evidence for the Survival of Apemen into Modern Times, which delves into the DNA analysis of a mysterious hair sample".
The quote above is from the Coast to Coast Episode linked below,
unfortunately it is a members only archive, so if you have a membership...I have because my wife listens to all of it.. to give you the skinny on the brief interview
Rhettman mentions our previously discussed situation with Sykes, Davies, and Simmons, and that Sykes will go into detail about what happened in his new book.
Rhettman then alludes to some hint of evidence that he cannot discuss till the book is released due to a NDA. Well the above bold print fills in that blank for us as
he also mentions that he had discussed this with George off the air, thus the mysterious hair sample...