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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2015 in all areas

  1. I'm not buying any of this and don't subscribe to the notion that hikers, campers, or backpackers are being successfully targeted for the dinner plate. We'd all hear more about it in the local backcountry areas we frequent. I'm an avid hiker/backpaker/SAR and never hear even whispers about unexplained disappearances and places torn up. I am certain Sasquatch are out these and have had several instances I can't explain in any conventional sense. Having said that, I don't believe for a second that nefarious behavior happens in anything other than the most highly unusual cases. There isn't a land creature on this planet that hasn't learned from other creatures over the many centuries that if you go after one of those weird humans, many more will come...with weapons. I don't buy any of it.
    2 points
  2. That's so cool, that you heard some thumps and saw the birds circling overhead while you and your friend were standing near the downed tree. I've heard thumps like that, too. As I said earlier in this thread, it's my understanding that birds can transmit information to the BF and vice versa and that it can be a very deliberate tactic on the part of the BF to use birds to reconnoiter in the woods. I'll tell you my second favorite story about birds and BF. I was driving to the woods to visit the BF I know there and who know me. I had been to that spot many many times in the past. On this occasion, I was on the cell phone talking to a friend as I approached the spot where I usually park my car. I knew I was about to lose cell phone reception, so I pulled over to the side of the road and stopped so that I could continue my conversation with my friend without losing signal. I was on the phone with my friend for about another 5 minutes, when suddenly a large grey bird of a type I couldn't identify buzzed the hood of my car. he was just a couple of inches above the hood and a couple of inches away from the windshield. I was startled at first, but then laughed. It was my sense that the bird had been sent to me as a way to say, Hurry up, we're waiting for you. Don't keep us waiting any longer! That's just one of a few instances where I believe the BF have used birds to send me a message of some kind. So yes, I believe there's a strong connection between bf and practically everything else that lives in the woods (or plains or mountains or whatever) with them.
    1 point
  3. You are in the zone brother. Keep doing what you are doing. If you are hearing them you are in tune to what they are doing. I was out yesterday with a female friend who had trouble getting over a log. She tried but could not get over the log so tried to get around it. While this was going on I heard thumps and thuds from the ridge above us. She could not hear them. I think my hiking partner was a source of entertainment. Not only I could not figure out what she was going to do but the BF on the ridge above must had been very entertained watching. When she could not get around the log and decided to crawl under the log and we went on, the noises on the ridge above us stopped. Honestly I think us humans are the best form of BF entertainment there is. I just went to another BF convention of sorts today but the speakers announced that they have formed a non profit, and want to take donations, build a museum, and lecture hall. What I seem to see is at some point researchers realize what they are doing is expensive and start looking for ways to get other people to fund it. They are not researchers at that point they are whores. The list of such people is building day by day. No wonder BF research is getting no where. When people realize they can use this to quit their day jobs then the pursuit of the dollars get very much more important than BF research.
    1 point
  4. Bipedalist There are a few more details about 'Mishka', the bear dog that is mentioned in that link to WDFW. Seattle is visited by cougars ( not WSU ) and black bears from time to time. Back in May, 2009, on the 17th ( a Norwegian celebration day and Norseman is going to love this one......), a black bear shows up in the 'Ballard' neighborhood. Yep, a Scandinavian neighborhood. The bear was very elusive and was nicknamed "Urban Phantom" by WDFW. A citizen poll was taken to name the bear and the winner was, wait for it Norseman......"Leif Bearickson". Yah sure you betcha and Mishka was brought in. At one point, in Ballard, Leif Bearickson was chased by 4 WDFW agents, Mishka and 14 Seattle Police officers. Leif Bearickson out ran them and escaped. It was believed that 'Leif' was captured in a city north of Seattle on May 30th. He was sedated and released into the Cascade Mountains. I don't know about bear dogs. Perhaps Belle and Mishka could work together for a 'double team' effect. Some people can't understand how Sasquatch can hide so well. A simple search of wild and not so wild animals in Seattle brings up bears, cougars, coyotes, and cute raccoons. Cougars have been elusive in Discovery Park for a week. Predator time in Seattle is measured in weeks.
    1 point
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