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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2015 in all areas

  1. Here is my interview with William Barnes, hope you can ignore the beeps from my phone recording app, but He shares some stuff I have not heard elsewhere. He also still needs runners to help the ground team stay supplied as well as welcoming any funding offered for the long term needs of the project, any contributions can be made directly to Idaho State University in the name of the "Falcon Project". If you have further questions William welcomes your phone calls 435 215 3054, trust me I know...he answered my e-mail within minutes, and my phone calls the first attempt, and when I asked for 15 minutes of his time he gave me 1 1/2 hours! http://www.blogtalkr...-bigfoot-forums
    2 points
  2. I'm not buying any of this and don't subscribe to the notion that hikers, campers, or backpackers are being successfully targeted for the dinner plate. We'd all hear more about it in the local backcountry areas we frequent. I'm an avid hiker/backpaker/SAR and never hear even whispers about unexplained disappearances and places torn up. I am certain Sasquatch are out these and have had several instances I can't explain in any conventional sense. Having said that, I don't believe for a second that nefarious behavior happens in anything other than the most highly unusual cases. There isn't a land creature on this planet that hasn't learned from other creatures over the many centuries that if you go after one of those weird humans, many more will come...with weapons. I don't buy any of it.
    2 points
  3. XC, I am impressed that with your pro-active approach/strategy, you have already had a BF sighting and have on-going interactions (in 1 out of 5 of your on-going visits). I am curious on what is your current objective on your continued interaction or visits to your target location? Are you planning to wear go-pro cameras and film your interactions or record the sounds? Or are you more interested in your personal experiences and not documentation? You seem to have a lot of free time to go to field and search. What drives you? What state or province are you investigating? Just curious and interested. Please keep us informed of your discoveries and thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  4. We don't really have enough data for other States ( like we have with WA with over 540 reports ) to get what I believe would be a sufficient number set to analyse and play with, yet. But with the fantastic work that redbone is doing in inputting data, the day that we do have it won't be far away. There is no doubt in my mind that with every passing day now and with every report added to our database, it benefits Sasquatch research more and more and is the most progressive anything that is going on within the subject today, no doubt at all. The analysis at the end is the easy part, trust me.
    1 point
  5. I put in the effort on here first, getting to know people and reading everything I could. Then when I had absorbed everything I could I took what I learned to the woods. I have seen one, I have heard them numerous times, and I have traded with them to boot. Over the course of a year I have had at least a dozen solid experiences with these creatures. It is not impossible to get experiences with them by any means unless you are not open to information, which is what I see all day long on here...people not open to information, running around demeaning and talking down to others on a daily basis when if they were really interested and sincere they would be spending their time learning and putting the pieces together instead. Everything you need to work with this subject is right here in abundance. These things run fast, they take things from you that nothing else ever would in the woods, they make sounds no other animal makes, they talk, they thump and knock in the woods constantly, they work together to avoid you, and they throw things. Pretty easy to put that stuff together if you study up. I have read over 10,000 reports, listened to weeks worth of blogtalk radio, gotten to know dozens of researchers, and spent thousands of hours out in the field. The best I get is having activity about 1/5 times I get into the woods where I am at, it took me over a dozen other locations before I found this one and I regret none of the blood and sweat spent to get where I am now, it is by far the most exciting and rewarding undertaking I have ever done. The key thing to me(Besides not being afraid), atleast with the ones where I am at, is the knocks and thuds. Not real "uncommon" that you hear a vocalization, sometimes a giant raven or a hollering woman sort of deal, but it is usually just for a few seconds and it is done. The knocks and thuds though, that is the key when out in the woods prospecting for a new research area, do your own, I personally use the back of my axe, and then listen for others. Gotta listen to every sound that goes on in the woods and think of what it is or you are gonna blow it.
    1 point
  6. Doing more research I have found that with special use FAA Certificates of Waiver or Authorization or issuance of a special airworthiness certificate Unmanned Aircraft System flights may be conducted in geographical boundaries and altitudes with FAA coordination and issuances of notices to airman (notam) describing the operation to be conducted. This requires observers to avoid conflict with manned aircraft. Flights may be flown up to 18,000 feet so the unregulated 400 feet is not a factor if FAA restrictions are met. If they operate in geographical boundaries they loose some flexibility but that should not be prohibitive.
    1 point
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