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  1. Plused. I do not vandalize graves or mutilate corpses. My interaction out there with them is predicated on mutual respect. It's not a question of whether or not I could get away with it, it's about doing the right thing regardless of the cost ... and NOT doing the other kind regardless of the rewards. MIB
    2 points
  2. Yes, most definitely a proponent (and spoke to Moneymaker face to face in 2007 about my experiences), having seen multiples at 30 yards with green eyeglow, and a single sentinel with same within 35 ft. or slightly less unobscured. There was no doubt what I was observing in the latter instance particularly as I watched it position itself below me on a trail using a bipedal glide as I was dark-adapted. Multiples sighted weeks before, and the night the sentinel (and flankers) presented to me they were within one hundred feet of the location multiples were sighted on a mountainside bench several weeks before. As catmandoo says, "I was school". The sentinel was part of a strategic and tactical movement directly at me as I had two flankers working in coordination with "it" that evening. Very intense sighting on my home turf, and glad they were simply "counting coup", as I hadn't done anything to **** them off in my research protocol to date (or maybe I did and their response was to close in and test the sob).
    1 point
  3. Sorry Gumshoeye, I wasn't making fun, just being goofy. It's a common joke among friends, but rereading my post, I can see how it comes across as snarky. My apologies.
    1 point
  4. I would have plenty of backup if I were to mess with a putative BF grave. I'm not sure it would elicit the desired outcomes SWWSQP! Or, you might get much more than you bargained for...... Shady Neighbors was an excellent book, I lived part of my life prepublication with a synchronicity that the book recounts all too clearly. The book was in fact a montage of many true elements from many sightings wound up into one (as Thom recounted to me in person) superb work of fiction in my judgment.
    1 point
  5. That must have been the one, as I cannot find anything else on/near Cherry Point. See, take a little jaunt down that road some evening and tell us what happens.
    1 point
  6. I have walked up on bears around 400 pounds at about 25 feet, I would call that a danger and a good reason to carry long range pepper spray or bear spray. I also have had them visit my tent at night, I have slapped a couple on the snout through the tent ,lol. The first time it took me 5 minutes to work up the will power to do it, my heart was pounding so hard I could hear and feel it in my ears. I also know for a fact there was cougar in my study area.
    1 point
  7. I am a Michigan guy, my states training and certification is honored by WA. I will say I have not studied any other states laws for the matter and would assume that these issues that any other member may have will be addressed with William as we get closer to our leave date. I am not sure about how your personal opinion on gun laws and training is related to what is going on. Respectfully,we should just avoid this particular topic.
    1 point
  8. Should no longer be a surprise that BFRO condones such discussions since: 1) There is a real phenomenon which is unexplained about the glow and 2) Matt Moneymaker has publically validated that it is a real phenomenon that goes beyond the tapetum lucidum and eyeshine/red reflex phenomena. Having witnesses it on multiple instances myself I can say that there is a reason he finally "came around" (besides hallucination, or drugs )
    1 point
  9. don't buy it.....simple fact....trophy hunters always have a camera...this was 2006...they would have taken pictures of something this strange....so where are the pics with the confounding injuries to the Brown bear?
    1 point
  10. Siberia or Eastern Russia which ever you prefer is a giant playground for someone like my self. I would like to hunt and fish there someday when I become rich.......
    1 point
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