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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2015 in all areas

  1. I'm not sure I can effectively recreate the sentiment without the snark and the snark is why I deleted it. I just didn't delete quickly enough. To summarize the deleted post: There is plenty of evidence for those who have open eyes and minds to see it. My impolite suggestion was that those who dislike what is presented as evidence should to make an effort to go out and see what there is to see. I shared a cast of a print found in 2014 during the same expedition. The kid holding that cast was there because he and his dad has one of the most remarkable sightings in the BFRO database and they've been hooked ever since. THAT is evidence. I will be seeing them again soon. http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=36514 http://bigfootforums.com/index.php/topic/33934-father-and-son-are-approached-by-three-large-bipeds-while-fishing-at-dusk-west-of-asbury-report-36514/ Right on cue: A new BFRO report from Kansas with "Eye Glow" http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=47267
    2 points
  2. I heard they were changing the name to the luddendorff and switching to hydrogen due to helium shortages and budget concerns.
    2 points
  3. 2011: http://s2.excoboard.com/BFRO/150505/2290536 (lightened version)
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Lol, see what I mean ?
    1 point
  6. Yes, I suppose they are for the project managers. I am on the ground team, my job is to collect and record field data in a scientific manner.
    1 point
  7. They're a figment of someone's imagination or if not that, they're dreamed up to fit in with a specific agenda they throw out there, that's what they are. There is absolutely nothing, nothing, nothing and I repeat, nothing, that shows that this is even remotely accurate or true. My interpretation of them : Type 1 : Sasquatches Type 2 : Sasquatches Type 3 : Sasquatches, or maybe Bears. Type 4 : Young Sasquatches. This isn't aimed at you personally by the way Flash, I just think that people who have a platform that allows them to give their opinions to lots of others have a responsibilities NOT to muddy the waters on this subject and throw outlandish claims out there that people will then go and take as gospel truth, when it really isn't. It's wrong.
    1 point
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