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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2015 in all areas

  1. Good report Spotter, I have seen the same rheostatic mechanisms at work but from the eyes of an identified head; white light brightened and dimmed from both Sasquatch eyes. I witnessed this at 5-6 feet. Light produced whether emitted, reflected, refracted or photochemically induced created enough light for the putative Sasquatch to see ground before it's hunched over head. I sat before this spectacle and have reported it was bright enough on ground to illuminate an object that was in the path of the Sasquatch that made it stop and look down. I have described the light produced as enough to light a newspaper for reading of individual news items at least. The entire effect lasted approx. 20-25 seconds in my best estimation. I was not hoaxed. Cheap shot, I can only think of a dozen nationally known hoaxers this might apply to. Some of us have done nothing but explain what we saw, went along with the program, learned a little more and share a little less everytime those that can't handle the truth play the "it was all for attention" card to explain away the fact that Sasquatch don't pose and don't sit still long and rarely give you another chance to get close if they do take a siesta or suffer from a narcoleptic fit.
    2 points
  2. When you go to the woods, things can happen, but you have to get up off your butt and go.........just some advice to all those forever screaming that we need to give them our pictures when history proves that those pics are not going to convince the skeptics screaming for evidence. All skeptics must know this in their hearts but they continue to hammer on us to give it up. So Redbone, Spotter and Bipedalist all have "given it up" and still I feel that the skeptics are not budging nor do we really expect them to accept the reports above and that's OK. But, hopefully a skeptic will leave the comfort of their livingroom and see for themselves what is really happening out there. Be respectful if you do and realize that they have families. Peace
    2 points
  3. As is raiding crops, where other Primates are concerned anyway Yuchi.. I found this early this week. This is how Chimpanzee's do things and when they do things in a part of Uganda that a study was undertaken in 2013, where they were raiding crop fields at specific times.
    1 point
  4. What if, one of the ground team decides to shoot a Bigfoot, then buries it, and after the show is over, goes back and claims it, taking full glory for the discovery?
    1 point
  5. My family has been living on this land for over 150 years, & we bought a piece of it & built this house ourselves. It has never occurred to us to move because of whatever is going on here. It would take a lot more than a few sasquatch jokes to move us off. Mostly, I've enjoyed their fun & games & we get along fine. Although there have been a few scary incidents, they were good lessons for us. I found that many of the things that I thought of as aggression at first, were actually the young ones just playing. We learned how to interpret their activities & defend ourselves when necessary & are not easy to scare today. Others' MMV.
    1 point
  6. The nut smasher is new and interesting. I am not pro kill but NAWAC just stopped carrying the cameras and carry weapons instead. I guess the best way they see to prove the existence is to REALLY prove it. Gotta admit the stuff I'm trying to do will never provide much proof....except to me.
    1 point
  7. Yes, even NAWAC is into the same soundfile evidence others have collected for five years now, repackaged and tidy with a bow. Novel rocks on a tin roof though.
    1 point
  8. I see this sentiment echoed every so often, yet as bonehead and I mentioned elsewhere I don't see BF as a problem in that regard. imo, if BF is part of creation it got there the same way the rest of creation did, however you think that may be.
    1 point
  9. Crow are you still under the impression that BF did exist in recent times but somehow died out and is now extinct? You now state that you 'can no longer accept the possibility of BF'. How does this fit with your previous beliefs?
    1 point
  10. I don't think our cultural principles have anything to do with the general disbelief associated with Sasquatch. We did conquer the frontier and tamed the land, so to speak. However, as a culture, we revere nature and hold wildlife in high esteem. As Americans, we spend more money on National parks, pets and zoos than any other country in the world. We produce and watch more wildlife related documentaries than any other country. In short, as a culture we are not only fascinated by nature, we also demand more and more high octane information about how animals live, hunt and interact. Just compare the first shark week with the most recent one and you'll see what I mean. As a culture, we love discovery and in general, we have and continue to challenge the unknown. Americans have explored space, been to the top of the highest mountain and to the bottom of the ocean. Along the way, we have not only broken records, we've also made amazing discoveries. As a culture, we fear little and our curiosity to know and learn has superseded any fear of the unknown. We only have to look at our own forum to see why Sasquatch are not taken seriously by the media and the scientific community. Last week we had a thread, in the video evidence section, about some possible Sasquatch filmed in a national park, near some bison. I admit its been a little slow so just about any thread gets attention. However, if you read the whole thing, it's a little silly. We have some people arguing with absolute certainty that the subjects in the video are Sasquatch and other people arguing they are not. Both sides are absolutely certain the others point of view is wrong. The thing that we all have in common, as a community, is that we're interested in Sasquatch. Other than that, we disagree on everything else. For example, some people think they have eyes that glow in the dark and others believe they reflect back light. We can't even say, with any certainty, what color their eyes are in the dark, whether as a result of reflection or internal illumination. We have very little physical evidence and our best evidence is anecdotal. Even the sighting reports often contradict each other and cast doubt on authenticity. Are we to believe some of what we hear, all of it, none of it? How can we expect the general public to take us seriously when we can't agree an any major characteristics other than they are hairy and have big feet? Shows like Finding Bigfoot don't help our cause and although they do attract attention, it's not the kind of attention that lends credence to the idea of a North American, undiscovered, bipedal primate. There are some researchers and scientists that are taken seriously but, for the most part, we come across as a pretty weird bunch. I say this not to insult anybody as I count myself as a member of the Sasquatch culture. However, I'm also realistic as to how most other people view the subject matter. I have no idea of how to change this perception. I suppose some well made documentaries will always help, as well as "representatives" that can be taken seriously. Every time I see people like Tim Fasano interviewed in local media, it makes me cringe because the general public sees him as a spokesman for the Sasquatch community. We also have to be willing to publicly acknowledge there are many things we don't know or can't explain. We're guilty of trying to defend the existence of Sasquatch to the point of being ridiculous. It's acceptable to not have all the answers. It makes us look desperate when we try and explain things that can't be logically explained. There's an active thread right now, regarding why we have not been able to capture a good photo of a Sas on a game cam. Again, some of the explanations for this are so outlandish that anybody, that is not an absolute believer, would be hard pressed to make sense of it. The simple fact is we don't really know much about these creatures and instead of claiming super powers, as an explanation for things we don't know or understand, we should, simply state the truth which is; we simply don't know.
    1 point
  11. Lol, see what I mean ?
    1 point
  12. I agree to a degree, and definitely think what you wrote has something to it. The biggest thing for me is arrogance though, a very human trait and one that so many have in abundance. We as a species, especially in the civilised world, are extremely arrogant in general and we think we know it all, we think that anything we don't know is a nonsense etc. You'll see it virtually daily on this forum too if you look hard enough. Every day we, myself included, would dismiss a whole host of things simply because we don't know enough about them. The same happens with this subject. And I wholeheartedly agree about the actual name "Bigfoot" and I actually made a point a few years back to try to always refer to these things as Sasquatch and Sasquatch only..
    1 point
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