To be fair, this forum has a fairly high degree of tolerance towards Bigfoot encounters and sighting reports. It's very rare that a yellow flag is thrown at a report.
What causes people to question is when somebody makes a truly extraordinary claim or repeated claims of unusual activity, without any kind of substantiation or proof.
Aside from very bold claims, people here tend to be very open minded about what other members have seen or experienced. Much more than you would think.
For the most part, members are fairly well educated when it comes to sightings and what's normal and what's not. That's not to say unusual things can't happen. It's the extraordinary situations that draw the most attention and also require the most proof. If the community did not police these kinds of claims; could you imagine how crazy this place would get? We'd have daily reports of Bigfoot kidnapping and eating people's neighbors, coupled with habituation reports of people exchanging Christmas gifts with Bigfoot.
In short, we are all responsible for shoveling the BS as it piles up, as well as pulling the weeds, so to speak. Otherwise, this forum would require a front end loader and a 55 gallon drum of weed killer, just to find a simple report of a BF crossing the road.