See that's where the problem lies. Over the entirety of the Sasquatch legends existence, these handful of P.T. Barnum like events have come to shape the impression of the story of Sasquatch. You get hundreds, if not thousands of reports of Sasquatch encounters and sightings, then a denier tosses in, "But what about Dyer, or What about Marx" and so on and so on. When one comes right down to brass tacks, neither side has any better proof than the other of the existence or non- existence of the creature, yet extremists on both sides are sure they have the definitive proof to back their stance. I find it hard to believe that there are that many people running around in the forests and woods making fake footprints, and sometimes miles away from any habitation by man, just in the hopes that someone will run across them and think it's a Sasquatch. I find it equally hard to believe that there are that many people, in the hundreds and thousands who misidentify what they see in the forests and woods also. One can try and justify all of that as a mass conspiracy to hoax the general public to themselves, but I think there just might be something to some of these encounters and sightings. If anyone thinks they are all just hoaxes, then I say Prove It. don't just sit back and deny it, but PROVE IT, to the same level of proof that you demand from those who claim they have seen something or have foot casts or whatever the evidence is. I want the proof as bad as anyone, but I'm not naive enough to think everything is a hoax, sham, or misidentification.