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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2015 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. I put a lot of time into this one. The camera in the phone was authenticated, image deletions were detected, collateral witness revealed big conflicts in material facts of the event and the primary witness confessed to deception on the third interview. The primary BFRO investigator did not respond to my request for an interview.
    2 points
  3. ^Patty was filmed out in broad daylight strolling across a sandbar in the open. Do you believe the PGF is real? Why didn't she have any of the traits you just described? People here always want to put Bigfoot into some kind of impossible odds scenario but at the same time the PGF says otherwise.
    1 point
  4. On the skeptics shoulders again, huh? You should probably be asking why you didn't follow your own advice. Instead you hailed it "most compelling" of thousands of reports. Between this and the April Fools joke you've got my vote for Bigfooter of the Year, for sure dude.
    1 point
  5. <I think that the lack of any legit evidence and the intense "want" by believers for animal to be real is used by many "researchers". Some use it to gain attention, some to start paid podcast shows/sites; could this story be a little of both??>
    1 point
  6. Not here nor on any other site I've skimmed. no verifiable information of any sort. This one is just an argument from authority, assuming the point of view that B.G. has credibility. I would posit that B.G.'s claims are fantastic and unverified. Loads of blob squatch photos, etc. And I think he's the one with the "stealth" squatch in the "Three Miles In" video. https://sasquatchmountain.wordpress.com/ http://tunr.webs.com/apps/photos/ https://tunr.wordpress.com/ Using an argument from authority is generally a logical fallacy and that is assuming that the authority cited is credible. In the case of the tx campsite story, there should be publically available corroborating evidence. Absence of this evidence, we're told, doesn't mean that the story is a lie. Rather, we're asked to believe that there is a conspiracy by the 'gubermint to shut down B.G.'s research and harass he and his family. I'm not a therapist but doesn't it seem a lot more likely that the fella' has some sort of persecution complex or personality disorder? I'm not a cop or an attorney but doesn't a lack of any corroboration point less to conspiracy by the government and more toward a bald-faced lie? And a knowing lie, I mean one which relies on/feeds from a distrust of the government, to work? Honestly. I think the cryptid field attracts people who distrust "the party line" be it by the government, the church, the main stream. I think that the lack of any legit evidence and the intense "want" by believers for the animal to be real is used by many "researchers". Some use it to gain attention, some to start paid podcast shows/sites; could this story be a little of both??
    1 point
  7. Salubrius , yes I am outside the track with the line almost all the way around it. I am not that steady of a hand in the paint program. I just wanted to give an idea where the print was and general shape. I like to remind people that the current world record for a human foot is held by Brahim Takioullah. His left foot measures 1 ft 3 inches (15" or 38.1 cm) and his right foot is 1ft 2.76inches (14 3/4" or 37.49 cm). he is very tall and not what you would call athletic and has been referred to a doctor to deal with his medical issues, Meaning he would not be doing any very fluid running in the woods. You find a track that is 15" inches or more in an area it was not made by a human going barefoot it is either a real Sasquatch print or a hoax.
    1 point
  8. Bigfoot Ballyhoo, eh? Seems like a detective (among others) went and did some detecting: http://squatchdetective.weebly.com/hall-of-shame---bigfoot-ballyhoo--linda-newton-perry.html Putting forth "evidence" supplied by Linda Newton Perry is akin to endorsing the tales of Todd Standing or Rick Dyer, IMHO. It may or may not be true, but the source is so tainted that anything she says is suspect.
    1 point
  9. Assuming that is true... Mike probably calls it asking Terry calls it begging This forum and churches call it donating Politicians call it fundraising Scientists call it a grant I generally call it hypocrisy..so whats the point? Just more painting with the indignation brush...pretty obvious
    1 point
  10. Whaaa...??? It's sentences like this one (and they are quite common in your posts) that make it very difficult for me to take you seriously, Gumshoeye. I truly hope you managed a bit more refinement and coherence when writing your reports as a detective. Do you mean "psyops", perchance? For someone who tries to speak authoritatively on the subject, I'd expect you to at least spell it correctly. These common lapses in the mechanics of your communications do not instill much confidence in their content. You know, attention to detail and all that...
    1 point
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