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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2015 in all areas

  1. ^ You're welcome, Doc. I figured this would never be necessary, after posting many graphics/animations in the other Toddy threads.....but, it's not all bad...there is an element of fun, in re-posting some of them.
    1 point
  2. Do I have to post all these images again???... Blinky....the WonderSquatch.....twigs....trees...backgrounds...come-n-go, and Blinky never turns his head, in any direction. Of course, there's nothing fishy about these two images, is there??... Gee, this couldn't qualify as 'proof of a hoax', could it.....Todd gets footage of a TREE rolling past him....but not of the Sasquatch that threw it at him... ... A free tip for Toddy.....next time a Sasquatch picks-up a tree, to toss it at you....point the camera at him. "Go, Todd......go"... ... Edited to add....a classic Far Side cartoon...
    1 point
  3. Todd has also produced nothing........because photos and plaster casts mean nothing. So between him and Moneymaker its just a battle over prestege and notoriety, nothing more. But at least I dont think Moneymaker has outright fabricated anything. As you yourself said that some of Todd's work is questionable.......thats a trust issue.
    1 point
  4. My apologies if I was terse. Do you not see risk in adding such a dubious "tale" to a discussion that is already on such shaky ground? Would you not agree that adding yet another completely uncorroborated (and probably apocryphal) tale on only detracts from the discussion of the tx incident? I feel that introducing such far fetched stories do exactly that and make it that much more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. I concur that a robust discussion is key but certainly there must be some threshold to what can be considered additive. In any event, I apologize again for the tone of my posting.
    1 point
  5. So, The link takes one to a story posted in 2013. The disclaimer for the article is: SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2013 Guest Editor-Blogger: Sophia (I can not prove that any of this is true. We are working at getting information that will prove the late Dr. Miller is who he claims to be. ...Linda Newton-Perry) There is some back and forth in the comments section positing possible matches for the "Dr. Miller". Nothing is ever confirmed that I read, there is no original letter. The second link I don't understand at all. So, If I might ask. What is the point? It's not as though there is a dearth of unconfirmed / unconfirmable stories in the public domain. The effort put into writing this up makes me think there was something important you were attempting to convey. All that is coming through for me is yet one more fantastical type story using an "argument from authority" in the personage of this "Dr. Miller". Shall we all comb the interwebs for apocryphal stories from dubious sources? I don't get this.
    1 point
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