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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Is the answer because they secretly believe that BF is possible? Or they actually want and hope BF is real? I'm having trouble understanding why someone would waste their time with all this BF stuff if they truly believe there is no possibility BF exists. I don't believe in fairies and see no reason to participate in forums about the same. What gives? MNSkeptic
    1 point
  2. How does one determine that someone is a hoaxer without first doubting their claims? He'll never be proven to be a hoaxer or genuine unless he can prove his claims to those that question them. This guy's not the real deal. Like I said earlier in the thread - If a disgruntled girlfriend can bust his gig up, there was never anything to it to begin with, IMO.
    1 point
  3. I think one of the main reasons we denialists , realists or skeptics have no solid evidence that the wonderful film is a hoax is the reason there is no skeptical focus on just the film. As I said the film is very compelling ,but can never really be 100 percent proven.I completely agree the character of Patterson is not relevant. I have read the arguments from both sides. The film is definitely a win for the believers. Unfortunately there is not much else to go with it.
    1 point
  4. Do I have to post all these images again???... Blinky....the WonderSquatch.....twigs....trees...backgrounds...come-n-go, and Blinky never turns his head, in any direction. Of course, there's nothing fishy about these two images, is there??... Gee, this couldn't qualify as 'proof of a hoax', could it.....Todd gets footage of a TREE rolling past him....but not of the Sasquatch that threw it at him... ... A free tip for Toddy.....next time a Sasquatch picks-up a tree, to toss it at you....point the camera at him. "Go, Todd......go"... ... Edited to add....a classic Far Side cartoon...
    1 point
  5. I truly believe some people are purposely placed on this forum, although I have no idea by who. They have to be, no one in their right mind would spend such time on a subject that they don't believe is real in the first place and repeat themselves over and over and over and over again saying it.
    1 point
  6. Because they all think they are smarter than you and are trying to save you from yourself.
    1 point
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