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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Again you proceed under a false assumption...intitially doubting someones claims "while a choice" in tactics is no guarantee to the end result. My experience is that it generally puts someone on the defensive, they lose trust and will tighten up or just stop speaking about it. The obverse approach develops a better atmosphere for sharing and the individual tends to open up and expose more of what they are doing...which in my opionion brings more to light and possible more to reveal if there are holes in the story or a hoax or deception. Another curious comment... the only thing that is revealed is that personalities conflicted and human behavior came between these people (from what is known) which is very little. I didnt hear anyone say the evidences collected and the reality of what is being dealt with on the property was false, hoaxed or otherwise. In fact those things in my view have been bolstered even further. It would have been too easy at this point for the land owners to say Mike made it all up...there is nothing to see here.. there is no SSq interaction... so no I just see more of the character assasinations in an attempt to make the other things seem irrelevant. While I agree that is does appear that their behavior as people are less than professional and kind of soap opera dramatic, nothing has changes of the reality of what is being seen on the property and what else allegedy occupies the space there with them.
    3 points
  2. That's a very weak argument. Disgruntled girlfriends have been known to cause much worse trouble than that for completely innocent guys.
    2 points
  3. Mutual admiration society? I have personally questioned some of the big names in BF research about their conclusions about cultural artifacts and believe me they don't like it. I seem to be on BFRO's list of persona non-grata. Reports I have made to their data base are not included. I question tree knocking and vocalization activity by humans and many here use those techniques. Some of the first generation of BF researchers refused to speak to each other, recently I heard a story where one hit another in the face. Well known researchers no longer post here, mostly due to skeptics but they had to take the heat from others questioning their interpretations. Most proponents bash "Finding Bigfoot" for one reason or another. Most of us do not like the current trend of trying to make money from BF. The ape camp disagree with the human hybrid camp. There is the pro kill and anti kill groups who disagree. The normal and paranormal groups disagree. Research areas are closely guarded secrets from each other. So it is hardly a mutual admiration society. A more accurate description is a bunch of squabbling camps who rarely agree about anything, other than there is a large unknown to science creature in the woods.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Funny how those who claim others are using conspiracy theories and fantacy to illestrate a point use the very same nonsense to bolseter an argument they still cannot prove or disprove... I would just say we do not know and leave it at that ... everything after "it could also be" is more of the same not knowing and no proof of anything.
    1 point
  6. "It would have been too easy at this point for the land owners to say Mike made it all up..." That's only assuming that there is even a problem with the land owners. This whole dispute could be simply a completely fabricated soap opera (like everything else) to create an exit. Make the situation appear legit for Mike to collect donations. As far as anyone knows, Mike could own the property himself and the "land owners" could simply be his friends assuming the role for the hoax. Don't you think it's strange that the land owners somehow gained control of the 'Sasquatch Ontario' Facebook site? How did that happen?
    1 point
  7. Just as I would do with any encounter report, either long and detailed like his, or fleeting and short on description, I put it on the pile labeled, "Needs to be explained." Until it is, it is an open question. Opinions of whether it is truthful or not, mine included, do not matter, but it does jibe with some other accounts and it predates the vast majority of those as well. Given the passage of time and unlikelihood of any new evidence coming to light to confirm/deny, this episode will probably remain beyond further explanation.
    1 point
  8. We didn't find any, and there are none listed in any trail guide for the region. You'd have to bushwhack from the ends of the logging roads, and the terrain is very steep, with heavy brush in the open areas, and big dark timber in others. At my age, I'd want a decent trail to follow, the old bones are getting a little brittle. My buddy, Jim, is hot to do an overnighter in the West valley. If we do it, you'll get e report.
    1 point
  9. Funny though that the BFRO and Finding Bigfoot was about a year behind the BFF in exposing Standings shenanigans, and then cashed in on that face to face with Standing on Animal Planet to rub it in ex post facto....., Todd had to know it was coming by then, I'm quite sure. Then Meldrum, Bindernagel and Stroud pick up the regimental flag and boost his butt again, only in Bigfoot, only in Bigfoot. To keep on thread, Standings vid. of the flare defense of his campsite by invading BF was the best entertainment I've ever seen by a hoaxer with the exception made if Dyer integrated his flaming RV on a Florida roadside into a BF episode that I missed somehow
    1 point
  10. How did the insurance industry get brought into this? Are they MIB? Because the guy I get mine from looks kind of fishy.
    1 point
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