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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2015 in all areas

  1. Okay.... so what do we have in here this week? Well Gum seems to be having great difficulty in controlling his space bar.... CR is still fighting the SC/BG corner hard. It's surely just a matter of time before those pesky MIBs come a knocking.... Looks like Diana SB still sees dead people. Rumours that she is to replace Jennifer Love Hewitt in the Ghost Whisperer are being heavily denied by her agent.... WAG isn't shouting CLOWN SHOW nearly enough as one would like....
    2 points
  2. That we'll have to do. I apologize if I was too hard on BG, but that's just the way I feel about it. I don't really understand why much time and energy has been spent on this story when there are much more compelling, strange and verifiably true stories out there about people missing in the woods. Edit : Forgot, I apologize for being too hard on you or anyone else here about this also.
    1 point
  3. You could say the same for someone who falls for an obvious April Fools joke too, couldn't you?
    1 point
  4. Mutual admiration society? I have personally questioned some of the big names in BF research about their conclusions about cultural artifacts and believe me they don't like it. I seem to be on BFRO's list of persona non-grata. Reports I have made to their data base are not included. I question tree knocking and vocalization activity by humans and many here use those techniques. Some of the first generation of BF researchers refused to speak to each other, recently I heard a story where one hit another in the face. Well known researchers no longer post here, mostly due to skeptics but they had to take the heat from others questioning their interpretations. Most proponents bash "Finding Bigfoot" for one reason or another. Most of us do not like the current trend of trying to make money from BF. The ape camp disagree with the human hybrid camp. There is the pro kill and anti kill groups who disagree. The normal and paranormal groups disagree. Research areas are closely guarded secrets from each other. So it is hardly a mutual admiration society. A more accurate description is a bunch of squabbling camps who rarely agree about anything, other than there is a large unknown to science creature in the woods.
    1 point
  5. Smile once in a while Kitakaze, laugh at yourself too for not being perfect, you might feel a little better about life if you do..
    1 point
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