I think this subject, about shooting one, is something that highly, highly likely isn't going to happen.
Too many researchers out in the field with camo gear on thinking they're GI Joe trying to get to these things.
Too little spending consistent time in the field in order to build up real knowledge and understanding of a certain area and what moves when, where and why.
Look at the numbers.
In over 2,500 sightings that we have added to our database, just 4 have been from people actually looking for Sasquatch, seeing a Sasquatch in day light hours.
That's 0.1% by the way of all of those Sasquatch reports having the opportunity to shoot one of these things at the right time, unless you want to take shots at something upright walking on two legs in the dark which, in case you would, would take us up to 0.4% with 70% of those at night coming with no moon light whatsoever so good luck with that.
As humans we think we are wonderful, we think we are great, but the reality is where this subject is concerned, we're not.
They are far, far superior in their own domain than us, hence these things "not existing", yet I don't see anyone admitting or acknowledging this with any sense of regularity.
We need to change the way we do things research wise and we need to change our mindsets, no doubt whatsoever.
If we don't, then this subject isn't getting nailed any time soon.
I don't even believe we are giving ourselves a chance to do this right now.